Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • bpend may actually be more successful ... If you look at the template file (in goodies dir I think) you will see NBU passes various vaules: $1 $2 $3 $4 and $5 The script shows what they are, one is the client name, another the policy name and one the exit status eg If you make a blank script, with the correct name that just contains: echo $1 echo $2 etc ... it will print out the values when the script ends. If the exit status is non zero, then you just alert on this.
  • Hi

    Thanks for response

    Yes It's in goodies

    Please give me more details, I am not that much familiar in script.

    Provide with ex and compleet script..

    In my server bpend_notify script output provided below

    # more bpend_notify
    #! /bin/sh
    # $Header:,v 1.3 2003/08/13 14:11:54 $
    #* $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2012 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *
    # This script is called by NetBackup when bpbkar is finished doing a
    # backup on the client. It is also called after backing up the files
    # for a user directed archive, but before the files are deleted.
    # This script:
    #       must be executable by the root user
    #       should exit with 0 upon successful completion
    # If this script will not complete within a few seconds, you should set
    # the BPEND_TIMEOUT in the /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf file on the server.
    # You should also be aware that the time taken by this script will slow
    # down other backups that are waiting for this client to complete.
    # This script should be installed with mode 555 so that user directed
    # backups and archives will be able to execute this script.
    # CAUTION:  writing anything to stdout or stderr will cause backup problems
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # main script starts here
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    umask 022
    if [ "$#" -ne 5 ]
            exit 1
    if [ "$4" = "FULL" -o "$4" = "INCR" -o "$4" = "CINC" ]
            # You may want to delete the output file elsewhere in order to
            # accumulate successful backup information.
            # If so, comment out the following 4 lines.
            if [ -s $OUTF ]
                    /bin/rm -rf $OUTF
            if [ ! -f $OUTF ]
                    touch $OUTF
            case "$4"
                            echo `date` full backup finished on $1 - policy $2 schedule $3. Exit status = $5 >> $OUTF
                            echo `date` differential incremental backup finished on $1 - policy $2 schedule $3. Exit status = $5
    >> $OUTF
                            echo `date` cumulative incremental backup finished on $1 - policy $2 schedule $3. Exit status = $5 >>
            # might want to mail this info to someone
            # cat $OUTF | mail -s "NetBackup backup finished" someone_who_cares
            # CAUTION:  some platforms do not allow the -s parameter on mail
    exit 0


  • Hi

    Ignore previous one

    two files create one is for policy list mention all critical list  "critical_policy_list "

    Critical Policies Failed out put file Critical_Backup_Failures. but still not working check and suggest any thing wrong in script

    # more /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/backup_exit_notify
    #! /bin/sh
    # $Header:,v 2009/11/10 15:57:19 $

    #* $VRTScprght: Copyright 1993 - 2009 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved $ *

    # This script is called by the NetBackup scheduler, after an individual
    # client backup has completed (including media closure and image db validation.
    # NOTE:  this script will always be run in "background" mode, meaning that
    #        the NetBackup scheduler will NOT wait for it's completion.
    # This script:
    #       receives 7 parameters:
    #         CLIENT           - the client hostname
    #         POLICY           - the policy label
    #         SCHEDULE         - the schedule label
    #         SCHEDULE_TYPE    - the type of schedule:  FULL INCR UBAK UARC
    #         STATUS           - the backup status for this job
    #         STREAM           - the backup stream number for this job
    #         DONE_TRYING      - 0=will retry, 1=done, will not retry.
    #       must be executable by the root user
    #       should exit with 0 upon successful completion


    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # main script starts here
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------

    umask 022

    if [ "$#" -lt 7 ]
            echo ${dateStr} "backup_exit_notify expects at least 6 parameters: $*" >> $OUTF
            exit 1

    # You may want to delete the output file elsewhere in order to
    # accumulate successful backup information.
    # If so, comment out the following 4 lines.
    if [ -s $OUTF ]
            /bin/rm -rf $OUTF

    if [ ! -f $OUTF ]
            touch $OUTF

    echo ${dateStr} "-----------------------------" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "       CLIENT:  $1" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "       POLICY:  $2" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "     SCHEDULE:  $3" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "SCHEDULE TYPE:  $4" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "       STATUS:  $5" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "       STREAM:  $6" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "  DONE_TRYING:  $7" >> $OUTF
    echo ${dateStr} "-----------------------------" >> $OUTF

    # might want to mail this info to someone
    cat /usr/openv/netbackup/scripts/Report/critical_policy_list |grep -i $2
    if [[ $? -eq 0  && $5 -gt 1 && $5 -ne 150 ]];then
    echo "Backup failed for $2" >>/usr/openv/netbackup/scripts/Report/Critical_Backup_Failures
    # cat $OUTF | mail -s "NetBackup backup exit" someone_who_cares

    exit 0


  • the script above is only an example, none of if it is actually needed.  The only requirement for bpend notify scripts is that it has the correct name.

    The above does show the paramateres available.


    #         CLIENT           - the client hostname
    #         POLICY           - the policy label
    #         SCHEDULE         - the schedule label
    #         SCHEDULE_TYPE    - the type of schedule:  FULL INCR UBAK UARC
    #         STATUS           - the backup status for this job
    #         STREAM           - the backup stream number for this job
    #         DONE_TRYING      - 0=will retry, 1=done, will not retry.


    a script that contains only:

    echo "Client = $1" >/tmp/$1_log.txt
    echo "Policy = $2" >>/tmp/$1_log.txt
    echo "Schedule = $3" >>/tmp/$1_log.txt
    echo "Status = $5" >>/tmp/$1_log.txt

    Is a start ...

    And produces this output when a job finishes in a file called /tmp/<client>_log.txt

    Client = womble
    Policy = womble_sp1
    Schedule = full
    Status = 0





  • above script gives only one policy or one client status provided. I need multiple critical policies schedule or Manuval backups status at a time.


    above I provided


    more /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/backup_exit_notify. in that created one file in that mentioned all critical polices and once backups completed output will save in singe file.


    cat /usr/openv/netbackup/scripts/Report/critical_policy_list |grep -i $2
    if [[ $? -eq 0  && $5 -gt 1 && $5 -ne 150 ]];then
    echo "Backup failed for $2" >>/usr/openv/netbackup/scripts/Report/Critical_Backup_Failures
    # cat $OUTF | mail -s "NetBackup backup exit" someone_who_cares

    exit 0


    Please check and suggest ....

  • Have you tried the script, does it work ? I'm not logged on to any servers at the moment and can't until later as I don't have my laptop with me.
  • Theres potentially a lot of drudgery there unless theres only a handful of hosts/policies...why not use opscenter?Thats one of its many roles and its a zero cost option.
