Forum Discussion

vaultlearner's avatar
4 years ago

Archive Task Failure


We are experiencing task failure. We have 3 Exchanges and we have 3 tasks to archive those Exchanges. When we stop 3 task and start 2 of them succesfully 1 of them always failing. It doesn't matter which one we pick. For example we have EXCA, EXCC and EXCD if we start EXCA and EXCC, EXCD is failing or if we start EXCD and EXCC, EXCA failing.

Exchange Version 2013 EV version 12.4.2 OS: Win Server 2016

From Dttrace log:

{EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal::FormatName:#362} Trying to find a free profile name.
334020 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal::GetPoolSize:#428} ProfileNamePoolSize set to: [1500]
334021 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal::FormatName:#385} Profile name allocated: [EV_00000000]
334022 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx:#813} Setting up MAPI profile [EV_00000000]
334023 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal::~EVMAPIProfileNameFromPoolInternal:#351} Profile name now free to use: [EV_00000000]
334024 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionEx} (Exit) Status: [<0x80040605>]
334025 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1227} Failed to create profile and session for server EXCMBXD
334026 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:M {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1228} Error being returned : 0x80040605
334027 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#69} Trying to release lock
334028 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CEVMAPILieModeLock::ReleaseExclusiveLock:#73} Released lock.
334029 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CMAPISession::CreateMapiSession} (Exit) Status: [<0x80040605>]
334030 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Entry)
334031 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Entry)
334032 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#82} Releasing managed store (IExchangeManageStore): [False]
334033 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#88} Releasing message store (IMsgStore): [False]
334034 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Exit)
334035 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Exit)
334036 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CMAPISession::GetMapiSessionFromPoolEx} (Exit) Status: [<0x80040605>]
334037 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise:#1348} Failed to open privileged MAPI session: [0x80040605]. Aborting agent startup.
334038 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:M {IsCurrentUserADomainAdmin:#4670} User is domain admin: [False]
334039 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CExchangeVersion::IsExchange2013:#204} Exchange 2013: [True]
334040 11:18:06.886 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CExchangeVersion::IsExchange2013orAbove:#188} Exchange 2013 or greater: [True]
334041 11:18:07.199 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV~E Event ID: 3460 The Task 'Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for EXCMBXD' failed to log on to Exchange server 'EXCMBXD' using mailbox ''. Check that the mailbox has not been hidden, that the server is running and that the vault service account has sufficient permissions on the server. |Enterprise Vault used the following settings for the Outlook Anywhere connection to Exchange 2013 or later: | Proxy server: '' | Requires SSL: 'True' | Certificate principal: '' |If these settings are correct, check that the servers are responding. |Note that Enterprise Vault auto-discovers the proxy server and certificate principal unless you have configured them explicitly in the target domain's properties in the Administration Console, in which case you should check the settings you have made. |
334042 11:18:07.199 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise} HRXEX fn trace : Error [0x80004005], [d:\builds\14_\ev\vh-12.4-m\sources\source\agents\archiveservice\agenttask.cpp, lines {1278,1285,1292,1304,1308,1309,1312,1313,1316,1318,1380}, built Sep 10 04:28:41 2019].
334043 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Entry)
334044 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Entry)
334045 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#82} Releasing managed store (IExchangeManageStore): [False]
334046 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession:#88} Releasing message store (IMsgStore): [False]
334047 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CMAPISession::CloseMapiSession} (Exit) Status: [Exception]
334048 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CMAPISession::ClearProfileCache} (Exit) Status: [Exception]
334049 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise:#1476} Error [0x80004005]
334050 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise} (Exit) HRXEX fn trace : Unexpected fn exit path, returning error [0x80004005], [d:\builds\14_\ev\vh-12.4-m\sources\source\agents\archiveservice\agenttask.cpp, lines {1278,1285,1292,1304,1308,1309,1312,1313,1316,1318,1380}, built Sep 10 04:28:41 2019].
334051 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:H {CArchiveAgentTask::Initialise} HRXEX fn trace : Error [0x80004005], [d:\builds\14_\ev\vh-12.4-m\sources\source\agents\agentscommon\archiveagenttask.cpp, lines {241,247}, built Sep 10 04:28:40 2019].
334052 11:18:07.215 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:M CArchiveAgentTask::Initialise - Com Result [0x80004005]


{ExchangeConnectionPointInformation::IsValid:#66} Invalid Exchange connection point information, proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and authentication [0x1]
333279 11:18:05.996 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {ExchangeConnectionPointInformation::IsValid:#66} Invalid Exchange connection point information, proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and authentication [0x0]
333280 11:18:05.996 [64488] (ArchiveTask) <40312> EV:L {ExchangeConnectionPointInformation::IsValid:#66} Invalid Exchange connection point information, proxy server name [], certificate principal name [] and authentication [0x0]

This is probably not related but ;

20] (ArchiveTask) <44760> EV:L {CQueue::Open} (Exit) Status: [There is a sharing violation. The queue is already open for exclusive retrieval. (0xc00e0009) (anticipated err may not indicate an issue)]
336236 11:18:54.856 [51320] (ArchiveTask) <44760> EV~I The queue .\private$\Enterprise Vault Archive Agent Admin Queue is already open.|It is likely that another process is running and will be processing the Nack messages placed on this queue.|This Nack Handler will now terminate, as it is redundant. No additional action is necessary. |
336237 11:18:54.856 [51320] (ArchiveTask) <44760> EV:M {ArchiveNackMsgHandler} ArchiveNackMsgHandler - failed to open Admin Queue - retry in 60 seconds




  • SheldonDsouza's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hello vaultlearner 

    I am assuming that this issue has erupted after a change. Either upgrading of EV or a change somewhere else. This isn't a day 01 issue, correct?

    Besides reinstalling Outlook or upgrading Outlook, have you cleared out all the MAPI Profiles? What's the Profile Expiry limitation set?

    Also, did you review this article? Archiving Task fails with Events 3460 & 2256 when starting a task that targets Exchange 2013 or 2016 due to RPC issues (I am guessing you would have, if not check it out and let us know).

    Also, why have you increased the number of connections to the Exchange on the task? if 2 out of 3 tasks work but the 3rd fails, then there is a resource overload on the EV Server. Instead of looking at the Concurrent Connections at the task level, I'd suggest reviewing the aforementioned article and see if it makes any difference and also, as GertjanA review the Proxy Server setting.


  • vaultlearner's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hello SheldonDsouza,

    I just check it. After upgrade of Outlook, tasks are not failing. We are going to observe it for a week. 

    Only thing  Deployment scanner gives warning about Outlook 2016.  Please check the attachment.



  • GertjanA's avatar
    4 years ago


    The warning shows because the Compatibility Guide has some specific remarks on that version. See this 

    As it is a warning, it simply indicates you need to check those remarks, but it will not prevent EV functioning/installation.

12 Replies

  • Hello,

    You see CArchiveAgentTask::Initialise - Com Result [0x80004005]

    This basically is an error indicating a resource problem. Diskspace, RAM/CPU, is all that ok?

    As you state, starting 2 out of 3 tasks works fine, 3rd fails, irrespective which one is started 3rd. This indicates an issue on the EV server. See what happens if you set the number of concurrent connections (task properties, tab advanced) to 3 on each task, then start them. It might also be a limit on Exchange (how many connections can be made), but that should have been removed when ran the powershell script as indicated in the installation guide.

    I also see: Proxy server: ''. Why use your webmail server (which as far as I know) is external facing.IT might be you need to specifically set values on the site. See properties of ..\targets\exchange\your domain 


    • vaultlearner's avatar
      Level 4


      Diskspace,Ram/CPU all ok.

      For the script, EV throttling policy still there. I did check again.

      ""  has both External and Internal faces. When client came from internally they are going DAG's IP directly. When client came externally they go Load Balancer. (This is what customer told me)

      "\targets\exchange\your domain"  section we added manually as "" but did not work also. I did test something from connection settings, for 2 task I increase concurrent connection to 10. Startted 2 tasks and they run with no issue.

      We connected with Veritas Support they suggested reinstall Outlook. Outlook version was 2013 sp1 32bit. Tomorrow we will install Outlook 2016 32bit. Do you have any suggestion?



      • SheldonDsouza's avatar
        Level 4

        Hello vaultlearner 

        I am assuming that this issue has erupted after a change. Either upgrading of EV or a change somewhere else. This isn't a day 01 issue, correct?

        Besides reinstalling Outlook or upgrading Outlook, have you cleared out all the MAPI Profiles? What's the Profile Expiry limitation set?

        Also, did you review this article? Archiving Task fails with Events 3460 & 2256 when starting a task that targets Exchange 2013 or 2016 due to RPC issues (I am guessing you would have, if not check it out and let us know).

        Also, why have you increased the number of connections to the Exchange on the task? if 2 out of 3 tasks work but the 3rd fails, then there is a resource overload on the EV Server. Instead of looking at the Concurrent Connections at the task level, I'd suggest reviewing the aforementioned article and see if it makes any difference and also, as GertjanA review the Proxy Server setting.


  • Error ID 2256, 3460 after Exchange CU 19 - task not started (new archive its not possible, but user can read archived information)

    My ev account is part of exchange group admin. This group have allow acl to others mailboxes. When was start setup /preparead acls was change on deny. Therefore in ADSIEdit we must remove deny acls for this group.

    Describet Use specific Exchange connection point, and Connect using SSL only - in my problem should be empty.

    MapiHttpDisabled - should be removed from registry

    "We recommend that you remove this registry key as soon as testing is completed. This key should only be used for testing and is not a long term solution."

    restart service controler and archive task return to work.