Forum Discussion

Jimesh_Makawana's avatar
7 years ago

Db2 alternet restore


I want to restore DB2 database from PRD to SBX.

I am stuck in roll forward activity as  theguide which shared by Veritas technician said that log backup should takes via User Exit program.

While I am checking I found that logs are backed up via Vendor Method.

So which command I should enter to restore database without roll forward.

db2 without rolling forward restore db PRD load /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/ ON '/db2/SBX/sapdata1','/db2/SBX/sapdata2','/db2/SBX/sapdata3','/db2/SBX/sapdata4' DBPATH ON '/db2/SBX/' into SBX redirect

DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a
valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned:
SQL0104N An unexpected token "without rolling forward restore db PRD loa" was
found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT". Expected tokens may include:
"<values>". SQLSTATE=42601

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