decommission a media server appliance
I am busy to decommission an media server appliance. Before I pull it out of Netbackup I am duplicating the images to another appliance. I scripted it.
I have first made a list with images which are on the appliance. From that I made a script to see what images needed to be duplicated. Some images where already duplicated to the other appliance so I did an bpimagelist -L on all the images with a findstr on "Object Descriptor" to see where images are. I redirected the output of the first script to a logfile. Then I checked that logfile to see what needed to be duplicated. The output was a logfile of a couple a 100.000 lines. It took me very much time to see what I needed to duplicate. In the end I had to duplicate around 50.000 images. When that script is finished I want to do a last check to see if I have everything before I can savely decommission the appliance.
I can see no other way then do the same thing with generating a file with bpimagelist -L with a findstr. But this will give me a lot of work to check. Anybody knows a better way?
Are you aware of the NetBackup Applianceā¢ Hardware Migration Toolkit?
See if this helps (specific to migration of 5220) : doc for migrating images from one appliance to another: