Difference between Retention preiod and Rentention level
In netbackup linux file level back up policy i noticed in scheudled tab retion period is 1 year and retention level is 5. i understand Retention preiod is to hold backup upto 1 year and i would like to know here what is retention level and why we need this.
Thanks in advance
Level Days Label
0 7 1 week
1 14 2 weeks
2 21 3 weeks
3 31 1 month
4 62 2 months
5 93 3 months
6 186 6 months
7 279 9 months
8 365 1 year
9 24855 infinity
10 24855 infinityLook at aboveIf you got custom requirement to keep backup sets lets say 5 Days or 45 days
You can select level 10 from master server host properties and you get option to change it from infinity to either 5 days or 45 days...
So above would look like
8 365 1 year
9 24855 infinity
10 5 daysRetention levels allows you to use pre-defined retention period however gives flexibility to change it based on organization need even for single application too.....So if your regulator says retain data for this application for 3 yrs or 5 yrs or 7-10 yrs... you indeed can simply by changing any of retention level (10 onwards ... do not overwrite any existing customized retention periods if already done) and set it to 3/5/7/10 yrs whatever your requirements are.
Although you can extend image retention using CLI however it ain't way to follow practise unless needed.
Hope above clears