Forum Discussion

-The_GodFather-'s avatar
15 years ago

Directory log files for restore job in Netbackup

Hi to all, Can somebody tell me wjat's the directory for the restore directory log files in a Netbackup client?? Client is Unix baed OS.. Thanks.
  • On the pc or server where the restore was run from (like where the BAR was opened) at...

    for windows
    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\username\logs

    for unix install path/NetBackup\logs\user_ops\username\logs

  • but will confirm!

    Thought I had a list somewhere that identifies (in understandable English!) what each of the log files is used for, but can't find it at the moment (I'm sure someone will furnish us with one wink)

    Can confirm tho' that the tar log on the client will be necessary for you to resolve issues with restores.

    ***EDIT #2***
    The logs are actually detailed in the Troubleshooting Guide (both legacy & unified logs)
  • On the pc or server where the restore was run from (like where the BAR was opened) at...

    for windows
    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\username\logs

    for unix install path/NetBackup\logs\user_ops\username\logs

  • if the restore was initiated from the client, otherwise we find them on the Master server under
  • the 'tar' directory in ../netbackup/logs/ is the directory to be created if you would like to monitore restores on the client.

    The mklogdir.bat file does create this directory and all the others...
    If you would only require the one directory (good idea) then create this only