Forum Discussion

SARA_8's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Dismount tapes

I'm using acsls to dismount tapes q vol all shows many tape are mounted in tape drives Is there a way to dismount all tape under one ACS, not one tape at a time using dismount from acsls? Thanks all
  • No there is no such a command - You need to script it.

    You can pipe command to cmd_proc, that will at leat ease up some of the typing:

    echo "q drive all" | cmd_proc -q

    echo "dismount T10000 1,2,1,0 force" | cmd_proc -q

6 Replies

  • i dont think there is a way... Unless you go for some scripts..

    is there any reason why you would like to dismount multiple tapes.

    its always better to allow the backup software to dismount tapes, so that it have track of it... 

  • No there is no such a command - You need to script it.

    You can pipe command to cmd_proc, that will at leat ease up some of the typing:

    echo "q drive all" | cmd_proc -q

    echo "dismount T10000 1,2,1,0 force" | cmd_proc -q

  • Thanks Nicolai :)

    is there a way to list mounted tapes under a specific ACS? using q volm all |



  • cmd_proc -l

    q drive all 

    This will list all drive status which is mounted or not....


    Ankit Maheshwari

  • These ACSLS commands are mostly available in the ACSLS admin's guide:


  • echo "q dr all" | cmd_proc | grep '0,'

    Use grep '0,' for ACS0

    use grep '1,' for ACS1