Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Have you seen the manual yet?

    NBU Security and Encryption Guide

  • Are you looking for assistance from someone to perform the NBAC configuration for you? 


    Let me know what you're looking to implement. Our company does alot of consulting work around Symantec Netbackup & BackupExec if you are wanting someone else to perform the functions. Otherwise, helping you out with a particular issue is free here on connect!

  • The NBU Security and Encrytion guide has limited information on implementing NBAC. I did try setting up NBAC on my Master and media running (Windows); after a day i see hot catalog and restores failures (USE_VXSS = AUTOMATIC). After disabling NBAC (USE_VXSS = PROHIBITED), everything works fine.

    Guide is not explaining about the ceriticate expiration and extending the expiry of the certificate, and so on...

    Has anyone deployed NBAC in thier environment and still running it with no issues? please share your ideas on how make this implementation a sucess.