Forum Discussion

Netbackup_NEW's avatar
2 months ago

Does Netbackup 10.2 support stand alone drives connected to VM

Does NetBackup 10.2 or 10.1 support backup and restore using a standalone tape drive connected to a VM hosted in VMware.

Please suggest.

3 Replies

  • No, thats is not. Virtual tape media server is supported only in certain UNIX based virtualizations.

    Additionally, standalone drive is not a typical device in NetBackup environment, this is a device for small/desktop deployments. It can be used (with a physical server supported OS), but it wont be very comfortable.




  • You can add an SAS HBA card that connects a standalone tape drive to ESXI  and dedicate it to an existing VM by using DirectPath I/O. This way, the card bypasses VMWare and is connected directly to the OS. After that, it shouldn't matter what you connect to the HBA from VMWare's perspective as it almost completely bypasses the hypervisor.