Forum Discussion

Jacob_Ruben's avatar
8 years ago

Drives Are in AVR mode.

All of a sudden i see that all the driver connected to the media server shows AVR,, i can see the drive physically in OS level, also in NBU. 

Robtest is also working , i can control the robot. i have bonunced the NBU service on media server. 

Media server is active for both tape and disk. i am suspecting if its library . before i request for library reboot , just wanted to know if i have to check for something else too.

Media server is an appliance.

  • Marianne's avatar
    8 years ago
    You still have robtest running!

    tldtest -rn 0 -r /dev/sg38

    Kill it! Close it!

8 Replies

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  • Well - robtest itself can cause drives to go in AVR mode.
    Check and confirm that nobody has left an instance of robtest open.

    Please show us output of these commands on the robot control host:

    scan -changer


    Check for errors in /var/log/messages. 

    • Michael_G_Ander's avatar
      Level 6

      What are the robot console/web interface showning ?

      Can you see the robot in the OS ?

      Are the robot control daemon(s) running ? tld & ltdcd for tld robots

      How is the robot shown in netbackup under devices ?, have had an occurence where it was enabled NO which meant the drives stood as AVR. In that case it turned out there was an issue with the robotics (gripper&arm) in the robot.


    • Jacob_Ruben's avatar
      Level 4

      attached the results..

      Also checked /var/log/messages. , i see below messages..
      Sep 30 03:03:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:03:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:03:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:04:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:04:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:04:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:04:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:05:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:05:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:05:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:05:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:06:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:06:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:06:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:06:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:07:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:07:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:07:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:07:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:08:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:08:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:08:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:08:48 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:09:03 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:09:18 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:09:33 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error
      Sep 30 03:09:49 xrxsenbumed02 avrd[3065]: MTIOCGET failed on HP.ULTRIUM6-SCSI.001 (device 1, /dev/nst36) ioctl failed, Input/output error

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        Double check drive config as well on this media server to ensure NBU is configured correctly with robot posistion for the drives:
        tpconfig -l 

        There should be more in messages file - not only errors related to one drive. 
        A least during NBU restart there should be messages related to tldcd. 
        Is tldcd running? And tldd for each robotic drive?
        Can you manually stop ltid (using stopltid and check that all Media Manager processes are stopped) and restart with 'ltid -v' ?

        Which Media Manager processes are started at this point?

        Use 'vmps' command to list Media Manager processes.

        Device config seems to be in a bit of a mess with DOWN drives, Missing Path, etc.
        And WAY too many tape drives attached to a single media server....