Forum Discussion

SachinSharma's avatar
13 years ago

ERR - Error encountered while attempting to get additional files for System State:\

Backup is skipping some of the system state files with the following error - ERR - Error encountered while attempting to get additional files for System State:\

Client machine is: Windows Standard Edition 2008, SP-2, with netbackup client

Master Server is: AIX 6.1 with netbackup

Below are logs from the activity monitor -

09/04/2011 12:41:40 - Error bpbrm (pid=xxxxxxxx) from client xxxxxxx: ERR - Error encountered while attempting to get additional files for System State:\
09/04/2011 12:53:00 - Info bptm (pid=xxxxxxxx) waited for full buffer 24785564 times, delayed 12367578 times
09/04/2011 12:53:01 - Info bptm (pid=xxxxxxxx) EXITING with status 0 <----------

4 Replies

  • increase logging in BAR to 2/5

    create the bpbkar log folder... if it existed clean it out


    run: bpbkar32.exe -nocont Shadow Copy Components:\ 1> nul 2> nul 

    take a look at the taskmanager to find out when it's done. Check the log and check the event viewer.

  • Post is still unsolved....

    Please let us know if the advice given helped to pinpoint/solve the problem or not.

    If solved, please select the post that helped you most and Mark as Solution.

  • 09/04/2011 12:53:00 - Info bptm (pid=xxxxxxxx) waited for full buffer 24785564 times, delayed 12367578 times


    aehm... just saw that. bpbkar and bptm will have a lot of time waits.