Forum Discussion

SK228's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

ERR - Error in VxBSASetEnv(BSA_SERVICE_HOST): 6.

Hi Guys,

One Master server and Two Master servers running on Win 2008 Standard SP2 with Netbackup version 7.0.1

Client running on 2000 Server SP3, MSSQL 2000


Both the Master and media servers are in LAN and the client in in DMZ, ports are opened able to telnet and backup the filesystems. Only thing i struck with is the SQL backups. Backup exiting with the status code 2.

Error message:

ERR - Error in VxBSASetEnv(BSA_SERVICE_HOST): 6.
    CONTINUATION: - The handle used to associate this call with a previous VxBSAInit() call is invalid.
ERR - Error in CDBbackrec::CDBbackrec: 6.
    CONTINUATION: - The system cannot find the file specified.
ERR - Error in VxBSASetEnv(BSA_SERVICE_HOST): 6.
    CONTINUATION: - The handle used to associate this call with a previous VxBSAInit() call is invalid.
INF - Results of executing <C:\Full_SQL_4wks.bch>:
<0> operations succeeded. <23> operations failed.
INF - The following object(s) were not backed up successfully.
INF - ChoicesPersistence


Tried all the possible solutions posted in the forum ealier.




  • What output did you get when running bpclntcmd -pn on the client?

    Please post more of bprd? Please copy as from point where manual backup was initiated.

    Please also ensure dbclient log exists on client - it will be best to compare dbclient log with corresponding section in master's bprd log.

    If there is no incoming connection request from client in bprd log, it probably means that connection is not allowed through firewall.

    In cases like this, best to involve firewall admins - ask them to monitor comms between master and client when manual backup is attempted.

5 Replies

  • Comms work different for database backup - client needs to connect directly to master

    Please verify that client can connect to bprd (via vnetd) on master. Ensure that you have bprd log dir on master (if not, create the folder and restart NetBackup Request Service).

    Please do following test on client:

    bpclntcmd -pn

    Check bprd log on master for incoming request from client's IP address.

  • no entries in bprd log for bpclntcmd -pn on the client 

    Tried a manual backup following is the log: ( - master server and - client in DMZ)

    12:12:54.434 [5980.3240] <2> bprd: E:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\userreq_notify.cmd manual_backup root
    12:14:22.359 [6348.5792] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host ktealbak701, query type 98
    12:14:22.359 [6348.5792] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    12:14:22.359 [6348.5792] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 724
    12:14:22.359 [6348.5792] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
    12:19:22.491 [6348.5792] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host ktealbak701, query type 98
    12:19:22.491 [6348.5792] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    12:19:22.491 [6348.5792] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 680
    12:19:22.491 [6348.5792] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
    12:24:22.577 [6348.5792] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host ktealbak701, query type 98
    12:24:22.577 [6348.5792] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    12:24:22.577 [6348.5792] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728
    12:24:22.577 [6348.5792] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
    12:29:22.663 [6348.5792] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host ktealbak701, query type 98
    12:29:22.663 [6348.5792] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    12:29:22.663 [6348.5792] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 680
    12:29:22.663 [6348.5792] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
    12:34:22.952 [6348.5792] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host ktealbak701, query type 98
    12:34:22.952 [6348.5792] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
    12:34:22.952 [6348.5792] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 728
    12:34:22.952 [6348.5792] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply

  • sorry typo

    master server ip :-

    client in DMZ ip :-

  • What output did you get when running bpclntcmd -pn on the client?

    Please post more of bprd? Please copy as from point where manual backup was initiated.

    Please also ensure dbclient log exists on client - it will be best to compare dbclient log with corresponding section in master's bprd log.

    If there is no incoming connection request from client in bprd log, it probably means that connection is not allowed through firewall.

    In cases like this, best to involve firewall admins - ask them to monitor comms between master and client when manual backup is attempted.

  • Thanks for the response.

    I am sure that the ports are open as i rasied the Request For Change and it implemented.

    Will ask Firewall team to track the port hits, will update the log details once i get confirmed there is noting to do with Firewall.

