Forum Discussion

yobole's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Error : 69: invalid filelist specification

we seem to be getting this message suddenly on our backups .


 ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.ERR - Unable to backup System State or Shadow Copy. Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers.INF - Estimate:-1 -1

Error : 69: invalid filelist specification  


We have the policy set to backup all local drives and exclue Shadow Copy Components:\* and System State:\*


All the data disks backup succesfully ok


Any ideas how to get rid of the













  • Looks like a reboot of the server solved the issue


    Thanks for all your help guys

5 Replies

  • Please check the state of VSS and associated Writers

    Have you done so? 

    What do these commands show? 
    vssadmin list writers

    vssadmin list providers

    See :
    How to verify Windows Open File Backup operation using VSSADMIN and BPFIS before contacting Symantec Technical Support 

    Please also tell us which OS on the client and NBU version and patch level.

  • Yes i have checked state of VSS and associated Writers and all is fine also looked at

    the bigest data volume is 500GB

  • Error 69 on all backups?  Or just the backups from one policy?  If just one policy, check the "Policy type" in the backup policy front screen/header, is the "Policy type" still "MS-Windows" ?

  • vssadmin list writers shows a bunch of writers all stable and No error on last error

    vssadmin list providers shows Microsoft software shadow copy provider 1.0 version


    The error is for just one server in a policy all other servers in the policy are fine .


    I have sheduled a reboot fo the server tonight before the daily backup is run


    The server is running windows 2008 R2 and on NBU

  • Looks like a reboot of the server solved the issue


    Thanks for all your help guys