Forum Discussion

Rob_Dullaart's avatar
9 years ago

invalid filelist specification(69) on Windows 2012

As a follow up of discussion I open this new discussion, because the issue of that discussion was solved and after that I ran into a new issue with the same client. 

My master is just upgraded to Netbackup version the client is also at that level. 
The master is a Windows 2008R2 server and the client is a Windows 2012R2 server. 

I get "invalid filelist specification(69)"
In the previous thread I was asked to post the output of

bppllist mypolicyname -L

This is attached. 

  • That was going to be my next suggestion - delete the policy and create from scratch...

    Good luck!

6 Replies

  • why does your policy show client information as below

    Client/HW/OS/Pri/DMI/CIT:  FQDN_NAME Client Windows-x64 Windows 0 1 0 0 ?

    Can you please verify if you have provided the correct client name in the policy.

    Also since you are using the "ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES" directive and as per your initial post the client is a Windows 2012 Server, your would need to select the drop down as "Windows" and then select the "ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES" directive in the policy.

  • bpbkar log from the client please, also take a look at the note as it could be VSS related.


  • I am sorry guys, I solved it. Although I don't know what was wrong. 
    I created a new policy and configured it to what I need and this policy is working. Maybe the policy was somehow corrupted. I always copy policies which are simular. I can't find differences between the old and new policy. 

    Thanks for the support. 

  • That was going to be my next suggestion - delete the policy and create from scratch...

    Good luck!