Forum Discussion

KS2's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Error cleaning tape drive.

Al the cleaning tapes new and old which we had used before are giving the below:

08/07/2011 17:11:17 - granted resource CLN001
08/07/2011 17:11:17 - granted resource R0_Drive04
08/07/2011 17:11:18Cleaning drive R0_Drive04 from server girbu13 with media CLN001.
08/07/2011 17:11:22 - Error bptm(pid=6664) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed    
08/07/2011 17:11:22 - current media CLN001 complete, requesting next resource R0_Drive04:None:CLN001
08/07/2011 17:11:24 - Error nbjm(pid=5072) NBU status: 98, EMM status: The media server reported a system error
error requesting media (tpreq)(98)


Any suggestions?

  • The attempt to UP the drive should be logged in the Windows Event Viewer Application log, as well as the reason for the failed UP attempt or subsequent DOWN'ing of the drive.

    The 'LOGICAL UNIT NOT READY' is normally seen when the robot door has been opened. If the message is still being logged, there seems to be a robot problem.

  • I guess there may be one media present in to that specific drive you can check status by taking Library console or check with robtest command

    you need to make sure that drive is empty at the time you cleaning.

  • Tape library make/model?

    NBU version? OS version?


    Please post output of the following:

    vmquery -m CLN001

    tpconfig -l

    vmoprcmd -d

  • Yogesh,

    I have already checked with robtest and web interface drive is empty.

    Hi Marianne,

    Please find the below output:

    NBU - 7.0.1, OS - windows 2003 enterprise, ESL e series, LTO4 tape drives

    C:\>vmquery -m CLN001
    media ID:              CLN001
    media type:            1/2" cleaning tape (13)
    barcode:               CLN001L1
    media description:     ---
    volume pool:           None (0)
    robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
    robot number:          0
    robot slot:            412
    robot control host:    girbu13
    volume group:          000_00000_TLD
    vault name:            ---
    vault sent date:       ---
    vault return date:     ---
    vault slot:            ---
    vault session id:      ---
    vault container id:    -
    created:               08/04/2010 15:40:31
    assigned:              ---
    last mounted:          ---
    first mount:           ---
    expiration date:       ---
    cleanings left:        0

    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>tpconfig -l
    Device Robot Drive       Robot                    Drive       Device
    Type     Num Index  Type DrNum Status  Comment    Name        Path
    robot      0    -    TLD    -       -  -          -           {3,0,0,0}
      drive    -    0  hcart    5      UP  -          R0_Drive05  {2,0,1,0}
      drive    -    1  hcart    6      UP  -          R0_Drive06  {2,0,2,0}
      drive    -    2  hcart    7      UP  -          R0_Drive07  {2,0,3,0}
      drive    -    3  hcart    8    DOWN  -          R0_Drive08  {2,0,4,0}
      drive    -    4  hcart    1      UP  -          R0_Drive01  {3,0,1,0}
      drive    -    5  hcart    2      UP  -          R0_Drive02  {3,0,2,0}
      drive    -    6  hcart    3      UP  -          R0_Drive03  {3,0,3,0}
      drive    -    7  hcart    4    DOWN  -          R0_Drive04  {3,0,4,0}

    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Volmgr\bin>vmoprcmd -d

                                    PENDING REQUESTS


                                      DRIVE STATUS

    Drv Type   Control  User      Label  RecMID  ExtMID  Ready   Wr.Enbl.  ReqId
      0 hcart    TLD               Yes   ITV377  ITV377   Yes     Yes        0
      1 hcart    TLD               No            IDN053   Yes     Yes        0
      2 hcart    TLD               Yes   IT1083  IT1083   Yes     Yes        0
      3 hcart  DOWN-TLD             -                     No       -         0
      4 hcart    TLD               Yes   IDN415  IDN415   Yes     Yes        0
      5 hcart    TLD               Yes   ITV174  ITV174   Yes     Yes        0
      6 hcart    TLD               Yes   IT1263  IT1263   Yes     Yes        0
      7 hcart  DOWN-TLD             -                     No       -         0

                                 ADDITIONAL DRIVE STATUS

    Drv DriveName            Shared    Assigned        Comment
      0 R0_Drive05            Yes      girma01.itvplc.
      1 R0_Drive06            Yes      girma01.itvplc.
      2 R0_Drive07            Yes      girbu13.itvplc.
      3 R0_Drive08            Yes      -
      4 R0_Drive01            Yes      girbu12.itvplc.
      5 R0_Drive02            Yes      girbu17.itvplc.
      6 R0_Drive03            Yes      girma01.itvplc.
      7 R0_Drive04            Yes      -

  • Drive R0_Drive04  is DOWN.  Before you try to clean it, first determine reason for drive being Down'ed.

    Add VERBOSE entry to <install_path>\veritas\volmgr\vm.conf , restart Device Management service.

    Create bptm log directory (<install_path>\veritas\metbackup\logs\bptm)

    Try to UP drive.

    If it goes Down again, check bptm log as well as Event Viewer Application log and System log for tape-related errors.

  • I am not providing any solution as Marianne has already provided but why not control the cleaning of drives at the hardware is much easier to maintain and administer

  • Hi Marianne,

    VERBOSE entry is already persent in the Vm.conf file. I tried to make the drive up but it is not coming up and there is no significant error on logs(bptm and evnet logs) which can tell us reason of down drive.

    However, i can see the below error:

    TLD(0) key = 0x2, asc = 0x4, ascq = 0x2, LOGICAL UNIT NOT READY, INITIALIZING CMD. REQUIRED

    May be a reboot of library is required, i m waiitng for few backups to complete and will reboot the library after that.

    @sara : auto cleaning is enabled on the library but since the drive was down and server is heavily used. i am trying to clean the drive manually.

  • The attempt to UP the drive should be logged in the Windows Event Viewer Application log, as well as the reason for the failed UP attempt or subsequent DOWN'ing of the drive.

    The 'LOGICAL UNIT NOT READY' is normally seen when the robot door has been opened. If the message is still being logged, there seems to be a robot problem.

  • We have rebooted the library and now everythign is fine. Thanks marianne.