Forum Discussion

Denz1217's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

ERROR: client not validated to perform requested operation

Hi Guys,

I getting the error mesage: "client not validated to perform requested operation" when doing a restoration from the client . We 're basically backing up Exchange 2010 using DAG. So, in a way, this is like a clustered environment. I don't have any issues doing a restoration using the Netbackup Admin Console connected to the server.  Just to add, I'm entering/using the cluster name under the "source client for restores". I'm thinking I may need to configure the altnames thingy. Any suggestion would be appreciated. THanks.

  • Extract from NBU Exchange Admin Guide :

    To configure privileges for granular clients and clients in virtual environments
    1 On the master server, create the altnames directory, as follows:
    ■ In a non-clustered environment, create the following directory:
    ■ In a clustered environment, create the following directory:
    2 In the altnames directory, create a peername file.
    Peername is the name of the proxy host or off-host client. For clustered clients, create a peername file for each node in the cluster. For a 2010 DAG, create one file for each physical Exchange server in the DAG.
    For example, consider that you have a source client named ClientA and you want to use a proxy host named ProxyClient. On the master server, you create a file that is called proxyclient.
    3 In the peername file, add the name of the source client.
    The source client is the client that originally performed the backup. For clustered clients, use the virtual Exchange name. For a backup within a private network, use the private network host name. For a DAG, use the DAG name; this name should be the client name in the policy.
    For example, in the proxyclient, include the name clienta.

4 Replies

  • Extract from NBU Exchange Admin Guide :

    To configure privileges for granular clients and clients in virtual environments
    1 On the master server, create the altnames directory, as follows:
    ■ In a non-clustered environment, create the following directory:
    ■ In a clustered environment, create the following directory:
    2 In the altnames directory, create a peername file.
    Peername is the name of the proxy host or off-host client. For clustered clients, create a peername file for each node in the cluster. For a 2010 DAG, create one file for each physical Exchange server in the DAG.
    For example, consider that you have a source client named ClientA and you want to use a proxy host named ProxyClient. On the master server, you create a file that is called proxyclient.
    3 In the peername file, add the name of the source client.
    The source client is the client that originally performed the backup. For clustered clients, use the virtual Exchange name. For a backup within a private network, use the private network host name. For a DAG, use the DAG name; this name should be the client name in the policy.
    For example, in the proxyclient, include the name clienta.
  • Oddly enough, we're getting this error as well, and I would think that my "No.Restrictions" file would take care of any overriding altnames issue.  I'm still getting it though.  I've been ignoring this so far and just attempting the restore from the master, but I figure I'll eventually need to tackle it.

  • Hi Marianne,

    Creating the peername(s) under the altnames folder and indicating the Exchange Dag of each file worked.
