Forum Discussion

Home_224's avatar
Level 6
4 years ago

Error code 48

Dear All,

I add new unix client on the NBU console, and test the backup, but the client hostname could not be found (48),  then I already add the host name on the media server, master server, run the bptestbpcd -client  hostname -verbose -debug, with the exit code = 0 then run the backup for testing, but still to get the error code 48. 

Kindly to advice the issue I get this error code even hostname existing in the master and media server.




21 Replies

  • Do you see any typo in client names, and can past the failed job detail status and successfull bptestbpcd output?

    can you also confirm backup job is using the same media server that had successfull restult with bptestbpcd?

    also try clearing hostcache 

    Windows: Install_Path\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache.

    UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache.

    • Home_224's avatar
      Level 6


      I am sure the hostname is correct. Let me try to use the command to bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache when i back to office next week 



    • Home_224's avatar
      Level 6
      Hi RamNagalla,

      The current version is no bpclntcmd -clear_host_cache
      • Home_224's avatar
        Level 6

        Dear All,

        The result from the server and client are normal, it can test connection between server and client 

        On the serve side 

        bplntcmd -pn client without error

        bptestbpcd -client with return code  =0 

        On the client side

        bplntcmd -self test without error






    • Home_224's avatar
      Level 6


      I use the test policy and add the client without problem. I will follow your instruction to run the command next week and get the result to you 

  • Have you validated full forward and reverse resolution from the client, too?  My guess is you're having an issue at the client, not the Master, but also double/triple check the hostname as it appears in the UI.  I've fat-fingered many client names in the console and gotten it right when troubleshooting, and spent many hours banging my head against that simple wall.

    Also, are you using long or short name?  I have seen issues in environmental DNS where some DNS servers return a different result based on long or short name when one server in the environment doesn't respond correctly.  Might be a long shot, but doing a dig on each name server the Master is configured is a good troubleshooting step.

    • Home_224's avatar
      Level 6


      I 'm follow the existing NBU Client as the example for the client fqdn hostname. 

      • vtas_chas's avatar
        Level 6

        I'd go back to the very beginning to troubleshoot this.

        Start with the operating system.  Can the Master ping short and long name of the client?  Can the Media ping short and long name of the client?  Can the client ping short and long name of both Master and Media?

        Can Master, Media and Client all resolve the reverse DNS of each other?

  • Hi,

    as suggested before, try the bpclntcmd command on master media & client

    on the client also, try bpclntcmd -pn 

    also check IP/NAME resolution.

    how many media servers do you have?

    on the backup job details, take not of the media server used to communicate with the client.

    on the console, are you able to browse on client's properties? if yes, then the problem must be on the media server..

    if not, then check communications between master & client.

    • Home_224's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Hamza_H 

      I have one unix media server, window media server and two vcs configure on the master server.  I input the hostname in the host record and use bptestbpcd test with return code is 0.  I input the hostname fqdn in the host record.