Forum Discussion

Ira_Brock's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Error opening the snapshot disks using given transport mode: Status 23.

Hello, We are using Netbackup 7 and are attempting to backup a vmware client via fiber when we receive the following error: "Error opening the snapshot disks using given transport mode: Status ...
  • Ira_Brock's avatar
    15 years ago
    Adding the host ESX machine to the same zone as your Host-Backup server does not help. You must zone in the physical disks on the SAN LUN so that your Host-Backup server can see them in the Disk Management snap-in. In order to do this, Add the LUN to a new (or existing) SAN zone within the SAN fabric. 

    After doing so, tell the Host-Backup machine to scan for new devices in the device manager snap-in. Then Check your Disk Management Snap-in to verify the disks are showing up. They should show up as basic discs without drive letters, just as if the SAN was sharing them to the machine to be mapped. (Do NOT map them).

    Re-run the job, and it should now work as the Host-Backup server has full access to the physical hard disks that the snapshot resides on.

    ** My issue was that:
    A) The Veritias / Symantec  guide for configuring VM-ware did a good job at leaving the topology out.
    B) Once I finally managed to get support, they told me to only zone the physical ESX machine and the Host-Backup server together.
    C) Once I finally insisted to speak with a better tech, I was informed that I needed to share the physical Hard Disks of where the snapshot actually resides on with the Host-Backup Server. After doing so, the backup worked flawlessly. (15GB in under 10min from FC disk to LTO4 via 2/4 GB Fiber Channel.. Not to mention the new ability of being able to backup Virtual Machines a lot easier) 

    *Edit: Here is the link to the Symantec NetBackup 7.0 for VMware Guide. -
    Helpful up to the point of the topology in which the above should help with.