Forum Discussion

demo4119's avatar
Level 6
15 years ago

error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed on all new tapes

7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - requesting resource office-hcart3-robot-tld-0
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - requesting resource office.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.server
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - requesting resource office.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.File-System-Backup-server
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - granted resource office.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.server
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - granted resource office.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.File-System-Backup-server
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - granted resource A00160
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.000
7/26/2010 12:59:11 PM - granted resource office-hcart3-robot-tld-0
7/26/2010 12:59:12 PM - estimated 308484495 Kbytes needed
7/26/2010 12:59:12 PM - started process bpbrm (4508)
7/26/2010 12:59:17 PM - connecting
7/26/2010 12:59:19 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
7/26/2010 12:59:23 PM - mounting A00160
7/26/2010 12:59:26 PM - Error bptm(pid=1740) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed    
7/26/2010 12:59:26 PM - Warning bptm(pid=1740) media id A00160 load operation reported an error    
7/26/2010 12:59:26 PM - current media A00160 complete, requesting next resource Any
7/26/2010 12:59:32 PM - granted resource A00160
7/26/2010 12:59:32 PM - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.001
7/26/2010 12:59:32 PM - granted resource office-hcart3-robot-tld-0
7/26/2010 12:59:32 PM - mounting A00160
7/26/2010 12:59:36 PM - Error bptm(pid=1740) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed    
7/26/2010 12:59:36 PM - Warning bptm(pid=1740) media id A00160 load operation reported an error    
7/26/2010 12:59:36 PM - current media A00160 complete, requesting next resource Any
7/26/2010 12:59:47 PM - end writing
unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available(96)

I do faced this problem on all my new lto3 tapes and exising tapes are working fine.
Can anyone advise me
  • HP MSL 2046 library LTO3 drive with LTO4 barcode. 
    Netbackup can inventory the tapes but uanble to pick up the media and cause deny request and down the required drives.

    Once i have remove the LTO4 barcode from the tapes once without  the barcode the library can use and backup to tapes successful.
  • Please check the physical status of your library.

    Check for any hardware failure alerts..

    This should be either a gripper failure  or drive problem. Check the hardware status and let us know.

    Try robtest. Manually move a tape from slot to drive and then bring it back from drive to slot.

  • I fully agree with Deepak. If you're not familiar with robtest, have a look at this TN:

    Also enable NBU and O/S logging - ensure you have netbackup/logs/bptm log dir as well as VERBOSE entry in volmgr/vm.conf (restart NBU after adding entry).
  • First check with robtest  to Manually move a tape from slot to drive and then bring it back from drive to slot .If the robtest is working fine ,then there is no problem with the tape library .

    Try to check whether tape drives need cleaning .Because ,i can see the error " current media A00160 complete, requesting next resource Any" .this kind of error will come when the tape drives needs to be cleaned .

    use the following command to check whether the tape drives need cleaning :

    tpclean -L    ---this command need to execute under    volmgr/bin
  • i  do faced this problem on my windows master server.
    I disabled Removable Storage manager service to solve this issue.
  • I had this problem before, when I inventoried my robot I accidentally put them in as HCART and not HCART2 which is what my storage unit wanted to use.  Changed the media type to HCART2 and netbackup was happy again.

  • Possible the full box of new tapes has been dropped which can result in the tape leaders being dislodged.

    Engineer we had in to fix an issue with our library once had a call to fix a purportedly faulty library only to find out once there (& library in pieces probably!) that all the leaders for a new delivery of tapes had been dislodged - needless to say we regularly check all our new tapes now!
  • HP MSL 2046 library LTO3 drive with LTO4 barcode. 
    Netbackup can inventory the tapes but uanble to pick up the media and cause deny request and down the required drives.

    Once i have remove the LTO4 barcode from the tapes once without  the barcode the library can use and backup to tapes successful.