Forum Discussion

Aurelien59's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

Error while configuring MSDP on Media Server

Hi all,

According to this installation guide, I am stuck at step 8, with this error (see attached jpg) :

"Configuring media server deduplication pool srv-xxxx-systeme call failed(11)

Reconfiguration failed for storage server PureDisk:srv-xxxx. systeme call failed"

Reading "reconfiguration" would mean that I already configured it before, but not.

I would like to send you logs, but I would have to be told which ones and how to get them.

Thanks for helping me.

  • Aurelien59's avatar
    6 years ago

    I finally managed to configure the disk-pool by doing this:
    Removed stall entry Media Server in NBU Database: nbemmcmd -deletehost -machinename <xxx> -machinetype media
    Removed STU Basic associated with Media Server

    Then I modified some bad entries in the registry, then I restarted the master, then the media, and finally I was able to finish the configuration, and finally I started a backup.

    Thanks for your help. :)

6 Replies

  • It seems that the 'storage path' (configuring dedupe pool) portion failed.

    Do you have a separate volume for MSDP? 
    Did you specify a folder name along with the drive letter in 'Storage Path' field?

    See the link in step 5:
    5. On the Storage Server Properties panel, enter or select the properties for the deduplication storage server.
    See MSDP storage path properties.

    • Aurelien59's avatar
      Level 4

      My storage volume is M: (M:\NBU\) for MSDP and this is what I typed at step 5.

      Would I have made a mistake by skipping a step before doing this setup?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        Have you checked if any files and folders have been created under M:\NBU during NBU installation?

        See if any log folders and files have been created in M:\NBU\logs.