Forum Discussion

xsmith54's avatar
Level 3
6 years ago

Storage server error

Hello friends
Can you help me with this mistake?

  • Hi guys
    Problem solved:
    CAUSE: Missing IPv6 input on the hostfile, this is necessary for the spooled service communication
    SOLUTION SUMMARY: Add the entry in the host file of the media server

    Best Regards.

11 Replies

  • Start by checking whether the NetBackup Deduplication Engine and Deduplication manager services are running on the media server..

    Also check if any errors are reported in the windows event viewer logs
  • xsmith54

    Please tell us what you were trying to do in the 'Change Storage Server' screen when the error appeared.

    *** EDIT*** 

    Apologies for the picture that 'disappeared' when I changed the subject (Please do not post your email address in a public forum). 
    I managed to locate the picture and re-added it. 

    • xsmith54's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Marianne!

      Thank you for your help.

      I was trying to check the properties of the storage server.

      The problem is that the storage server stays down and does not stay UP.

      View the status of the storage server:


      [root@srv70100 admincmd]# ./nbdevquery -listdp -U
      Disk Pool Name : dp_srv70100
      Disk Pool Id : dp_srv70100
      Disk Type : PureDisk
      Status : UP
      Flag : Patchwork
      Flag : Visible
      Flag : OpenStorage
      Flag : SingleStorageServer
      Flag : CopyExtents
      Flag : AdminUp
      Flag : InternalUp
      Flag : LifeCycle
      Flag : CapacityMgmt
      Flag : FragmentImages
      Flag : Cpr
      Flag : FT-Transfer
      Flag : OptimizedImage
      Flag : ReplicationSource
      Flag : ReplicationTarget
      Flag : TargetedReplication
      Raw Size (GB) : 93054.36
      Usable Size (GB) : 93054.36
      High Watermark : 98
      Low Watermark : 80
      Num Volumes : 1
      Max IO Streams : -1
      Comment :
      Storage Server : srv70100 (DOWN)



      • quebek's avatar

        few things to validate:

        are spoold, spad process running there?


        bpps -x|grep d$
        root 13963 1 0 Oct17 ? 00:01:14 /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/spad
        root 14203 1 21 Oct17 ? 11:26:13 /usr/openv/pdde/pdcr/bin/spoold

        do you have all file systems mounted ?

        df -hP

        especially these found from below command

        nbdevquery -listconfig -stype PureDisk -storage_server `hostname`|grep path

        V7.5 "storagepath" "/msdp/data/dp1/pdvol" string
        V7.5 "spalogpath" "/msdp/data/dp1/pdvol/log" string
        V7.5 "dbpath" "/msdp/cat" string

        Are these mounted??