Forum Discussion

Dollypee's avatar
11 years ago

Errors backing up SQL Database

Client :                       Win 2012 standard enterprise

SQL server version :     2012

Master server version:

Client version:  

Log on credentials permmisions: local account & sysadmin


Team, my SQL database backups is failing with below errors. I do not have this issues with SQL server 2008 using the same permmisions above. Wondering if there's something different in 2012 that am not aware of. Please advice


5/12/2014 1:39:53 PM - Info bphdb(pid=15500) Backup started          
5/12/2014 1:39:53 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) DBMS MSG - ODBC return code <-1>, SQL State <08004>, SQL Message <916><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The server principal "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" is not able to access the database "model" under the current security context.>.
5/12/2014 1:39:53 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) WARN - Error found executing <select groupname,groupid from "model"..sysfilegroups order by groupname>.
5/12/2014 1:39:53 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) DBMS MSG - ODBC return code <-1>, SQL State <08004>, SQL Message <916><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The server principal "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" is not able to access the database "OperationsManagerDW" under the current security context.>.
5/12/2014 1:39:53 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) WARN - Error found executing <select groupname,groupid from "OperationsManagerDW"..sysfilegroups order by groupname>.
5/12/2014 1:39:55 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) INF - BACKUP STARTED USING       
5/12/2014 1:39:55 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64)    
5/12/2014 1:39:55 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) Oct 19 2012 13:38:57        
5/12/2014 1:39:55 PM - Info dbclient(pid=12596) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation



  • I do not have this issues with SQL server 2008 using the same permmisions above. Wondering if there's something different in 2012 that am not aware of. 

    It has to do with security/permissions applied by SQL dba, not with SQL version.

    Ask SQL dba to change NBU Client Service Account to same account that is used to start MS-SQL services.

  • Since the NBU client server seems to be running under the LSA (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM), this technote may answer your question:

    An excerpt from the aforementioned technote:


    For SQL Server 2008 and earlier, the sysadmin role is automatically applied to the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and BUILTIN\Administrators groups. You can use Local System for the logon accounts for the NetBackup services.

    For SQL Server 2012, you must first apply the sysadmin role manually to the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or the BUILTIN\Administrators group. Then you can use Local System for the logon accounts for the NetBackup services.


  • Try to run batch file for this backup from client and check if its running ?

    NBU MSSQL AGENT> File> manage script files  to run that batch file.

    if backup runs successfully then try following:

    use domain accout having admin privilages to start netbackup client service and netbackup legacy network services.

    Also create a role in MS SQL with sysadmin privilages and connect to instance to backup SQL objects using this user and then try to run the backup.

9 Replies

  • Since the NBU client server seems to be running under the LSA (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM), this technote may answer your question:

    An excerpt from the aforementioned technote:


    For SQL Server 2008 and earlier, the sysadmin role is automatically applied to the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and BUILTIN\Administrators groups. You can use Local System for the logon accounts for the NetBackup services.

    For SQL Server 2012, you must first apply the sysadmin role manually to the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or the BUILTIN\Administrators group. Then you can use Local System for the logon accounts for the NetBackup services.


  • Hello,

    Please change the account the NBU Client Service runs under to something that has SQL rights. "not able to access the database" is access denied.

  • NetBackup does not have any authentication requirements beyond Microsoft SQL Server's requirements for the backup and restore of SQL databases.

    The following roles have permissions to perform backups:

    Server Role : sysadmin
    DB role : db_backupoperator, dbo_owner

    The following roles have permissions to perform restores:

    Server role : sysadmin, dbcreator
    DB role : db_owner (if the database exists)


    Please check below link :-

  • I do not have this issues with SQL server 2008 using the same permmisions above. Wondering if there's something different in 2012 that am not aware of. 

    It has to do with security/permissions applied by SQL dba, not with SQL version.

    Ask SQL dba to change NBU Client Service Account to same account that is used to start MS-SQL services.

  • Try to run batch file for this backup from client and check if its running ?

    NBU MSSQL AGENT> File> manage script files  to run that batch file.

    if backup runs successfully then try following:

    use domain accout having admin privilages to start netbackup client service and netbackup legacy network services.

    Also create a role in MS SQL with sysadmin privilages and connect to instance to backup SQL objects using this user and then try to run the backup.

  • Team, First of all, thank you all for your credible contribution.

    Here's an update.

    I have tried manually initiating backup of the batch script from the client as advice by ChAmp35 and backup runs successfully.

    One tricky aspect here is that, am login into the client and SQL interface with same account I provided above.

    Am just wondering why this account is not able to initiate backup from netbackup side.

  • If we look at the error message, it seems NBU Client Service is running as LocalSystem.

    Please change service logon account to a domain user with sufficient priveleges.

    It is always best to start this service as same logon account that is used for MS-SQL services.

    There is no point in dragging out this discussion...........

  • Team, this issue has been permanently resolved. using all the above contributions. Microsoft probably closed the back door found in 2008 in 2012 version....smiley. Thank you all for your support.


    I do not know which of the contribution to make as solution as all are related. Please advice.

  • You can use 'Request split solution' to select more than one post as solution.