oracle database backup error :
hi ;
currently i configured oracle intelleigent policy for full backup database , and the following error occur :
1: (25) cannot connect on socket
My design as follow :
1- Netbackup /master server "netbackup" :
private netwrok for backup "netbackup-bck":
2- DB server "dbserver" / media server:
private netwrok for backup "dbserver-bck" :
bp.conf at master :
root@netbackup # cat /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf
SERVER = netbackup
CLIENT_NAME = netbackup-bck
MEDIA_SERVER = netbackup-bck
SERVER = netbackup-bck
SERVER = dbserver-bck
CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 0 0 2
EMMSERVER = netbackup-bck
VXDBMS_NB_DATA = /usr/openv/db/data
JOB_PRIORITY = 0 0 90000 90000 90000 90000 85000 85000 80000 80000 80000 80000 75000 75000 70000 70000 50000 50000 45000 0 0 0 0 0
bp.conf at DB Server :
SERVER = netbackup-bck
SERVER = dbserver-bck
CLIENT_NAME = dbserver-bck
CONNECT_OPTIONS = localhost 1 0 2
EMMSERVER = netbackup-bck
job log :
04/22/2015 14:25:15 - Info nbjm (pid=1517) starting backup job (jobid=135) for client netbackup, policy test_DB_policy, schedule Full-disk
04/22/2015 14:25:15 - Info nbjm (pid=1517) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=135, request id:{A1838E92-E8EA-11E4-A092-00144F268829})
04/22/2015 14:25:15 - requesting resource test-standalone
04/22/2015 14:25:15 - requesting resource netbackup.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.netbackup
04/22/2015 14:25:15 - granted resource netbackup.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.netbackup
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Parent Job
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Application Resolver: Start Notify Script
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=3321) started
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=3321) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Application Resolver: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Application Resolver: Step By Condition
Operation Status: 0
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Application Resolver: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Application Resolver: Resolver Discovery
Operation Status: 25
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Application Resolver: Resolver Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:00
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Application Resolver: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Application Resolver: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - begin Application Resolver: End Notify Script
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=3328) started
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - Info RUNCMD (pid=3328) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Application Resolver: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 25
04/22/2015 14:25:16 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:00
cannot connect on socket (25)
bprd log : /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bprd/log.042215
14:25:15.710 [1498] <2> bprd: socket fd from accept() is 10
14:25:15.713 [1498] <2> listen_loop: request complete
14:25:15.722 [3313] <2> logconnections: BPRD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:25:15.724 [3313] <2> process_request: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 10 succeeded.
14:25:15.726 [3313] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host netbackup,, on non-reserved port 47634
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: command C_BPBACKUP_7_6 (176) received
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: immediate backup request = 329199 176 root root NONE netbackup netbackup-bck NONE test_DB_policy Full-disk 0 NONE 0 4 0 en_US en_US en_US en_US en_US 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: After V_sscanf of bufr
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: clnt = NONE
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: clnthostname = netbackup
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: clnt_bp_conf_name = netbackup-bck
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: keyword =
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: After get_client_and_host_names
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: clnt_bp_conf_name = netbackup-bck
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: clnt = NONE
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: target_hostname = NONE
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: retval = 0
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> process_request: Before bkarfiles
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: backup_or_archive = 1
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: immediate_or_userdirected = 1
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: client = NONE
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: client_hostname = NONE
14:25:15.728 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: requesting_user = root
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: requesting_group = root
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: progress_file = NONE
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: policy = test_DB_policy
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: sched = Full-disk
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: keyword =
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: component = NONE
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: user_interface = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: monitor_backup_job = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: backup_jobidstr = NONE
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: client_locales_present = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_lc_messages = en_US
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_lc_time = en_US
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_lc_ctype = en_US
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_lc_collate = en_US
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_lc_numeric = en_US
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: bkup_with_non_rsvd_ports = 16974338
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: client_type = 4
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: cverbose = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: acknowledge_list = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: proxy_copy = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: generate_english_logs = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: sync_keep_alive = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: cbustart = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: cbuend = 0
14:25:15.729 [3313] <2> get_next_file_path: received string: /
14:25:15.730 [3313] <2> get_next_file_path: received string: CONTINUE
14:25:16.736 [3313] <4> msgbackup: sent start request to nbpem
14:25:16.736 [3313] <2> bkarfiles: EXIT STATUS = 0
14:25:16.736 [3313] <2> process_request: After bkarfiles(2)
14:25:16.736 [3313] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 0
14:25:16.740 [3313] <2> bprd: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/userreq_notify manual_backup NONE root
14:25:16.823 [1498] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
14:25:16.823 [1498] <2> childterm: pid=3313 exit=0, signo=0 core=no
14:25:16.823 [1498] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
14:25:20.388 [1498] <2> bprd: socket fd from accept() is 10
14:25:20.391 [1498] <2> listen_loop: request complete
14:25:20.400 [3352] <2> logconnections: BPRD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:25:20.402 [3352] <2> process_request: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 10 succeeded.
14:25:20.404 [3352] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host netbackup,, on non-reserved port 47640
14:25:20.406 [3352] <2> process_request: command C_LIKELY_DATE_3_0 (59) received
14:25:20.406 [3352] <2> process_request: likelydate request = 329199 59 netbackup-bck netbackup netbackup-bck NONE 0 12 1414157120 1429709120 en_US en_US en_US en_US en_US 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14:25:20.411 [3352] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: accessing client /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/dataguard-bck
14:25:20.412 [3352] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: hostname netbackup not configured for client dataguard-bck
14:25:20.412 [3352] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: accessing client /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/netbackup
14:25:20.412 [3352] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: hostname netbackup not configured for client netbackup
14:25:20.412 [3352] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host netbackup, query type 83
14:25:20.413 [3352] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 6
14:25:20.533 [3352] <2> db_getIMAGE: db_IMAGEreceive: no entity was found 227
14:25:20.534 [3352] <2> imagelikely: db_getIMAGE() failed: no entity was found
14:25:20.534 [3352] <2> process_request: imagelikely failed - EC status = no entity was found
14:25:20.534 [3352] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 227
14:25:20.534 [3352] <2> bprd: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/userreq_notify image_list netbackup-bck unknown
14:25:20.614 [1498] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
14:25:20.614 [1498] <2> childterm: pid=3352 exit=227, signo=0 core=no
14:25:20.614 [1498] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
14:25:21.310 [1498] <2> bprd: socket fd from accept() is 10
14:25:21.312 [1498] <2> listen_loop: request complete
14:25:21.320 [3361] <2> logconnections: BPRD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:25:21.322 [3361] <2> process_request: setsockopt SO_LINGER on 10 succeeded.
14:25:21.324 [3361] <2> connected_peer: Connection from host netbackup,, on non-reserved port 47642
14:25:21.325 [3361] <2> process_request: command C_IMAGE_LIST_4_5 (81) received
14:25:21.325 [3361] <2> process_request: imagelist request = 329199 81 netbackup-bck netbackup netbackup-bck NONE 0 12 90000 1429826399 en_US en_US en_US en_US en_US 8 0 0 0 512 0 0 0
14:25:21.327 [3361] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: accessing client /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/dataguard-bck
14:25:21.328 [3361] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: hostname netbackup not configured for client dataguard-bck
14:25:21.328 [3361] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: accessing client /usr/openv/netbackup/db/client/netbackup
14:25:21.328 [3361] <2> db_getCLIENT_by_hostname: hostname netbackup not configured for client netbackup
14:25:21.328 [3361] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host netbackup, query type 76
14:25:21.329 [3361] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 6
14:25:21.437 [3361] <8> imagelist: db_IMAGEreceive failed: no entity was found (227)
14:25:21.437 [3361] <2> process_request: imagelist failed - EC status = no entity was found
14:25:21.438 [3361] <2> process_request: EXIT STATUS 227
14:25:21.438 [3361] <2> bprd: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/userreq_notify image_list netbackup-bck unknown
14:25:21.519 [1498] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
14:25:21.519 [1498] <2> childterm: pid=3361 exit=227, signo=0 core=no
14:25:21.519 [1498] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
14:26:24.527 [1498] <2> get_behavior_rec: ?
14:26:24.527 [1498] <2> get_behavior_rec: MD5 digest line
14:26:24.527 [1498] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host netbackup, query type 98
14:26:24.528 [1498] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 10
14:26:24.528 [1498] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
14:26:24.658 [1498] <2> launch: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo, pid=3424
14:26:24.667 [1498] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
14:26:24.667 [1498] <2> childterm: pid=3424 exit=0, signo=0 core=no
14:26:24.667 [1498] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
14:31:24.701 [1498] <2> get_behavior_rec: ?
14:31:24.701 [1498] <2> get_behavior_rec: MD5 digest line
14:31:24.701 [1498] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host netbackup, query type 98
14:31:24.702 [1498] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO fd = 10
14:31:24.702 [1498] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
14:31:24.834 [1498] <2> launch: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo, pid=3631
14:31:24.842 [1498] <2> listen_loop: do_schild = 1
14:31:24.843 [1498] <2> childterm: pid=3631 exit=0, signo=0 core=no
14:31:24.843 [1498] <2> schild: wait2() ECHILD
bpdbm log :/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpdbm/log.042215
14:28:30.638 [3508] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:28:30.644 [3508] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 2
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: protocol version 11 qtype 318 vers 0 client ? policy ?
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: date1 04/22/15 14:13:30 (1429704810)
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: date2 04/22/15 14:28:30 (1429705710)
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: sched type ? (9)
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: client type 5 ret level -1 elapsed 0 sec
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> db_logimagerec: backup copy: Standard (0)
14:28:30.647 [3508] <2> image_db: Q_IMAGE_CATALOG_COLLECTION
14:28:30.667 [3508] <2> read_legacy_touch_file: Found /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf; requested from (vxdbms_conf.cpp.1528).
14:28:30.718 [3508] <2> DbmOdbcConnect::set_connection_id: -1 -> 2153
14:28:30.887 [3508] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 227 no entity was found; query type: 318
14:28:30.908 [3509] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:28:30.913 [3509] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 2
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: protocol version 11 qtype 282 vers 0 client ? policy ?
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: date2 04/22/15 14:28:30 (1429705710)
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: sched type ? (9)
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: client type 5 ret level -1 elapsed 0 sec
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: options 0x8 compress 0 encrypt 0 Kbytes 0
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: backup copy: Standard (0)
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> db_logimagerec: image change log time 1429704810
14:28:30.915 [3509] <2> image_db: Q_IMAGE_CHANGELOG
14:28:30.932 [3509] <2> read_legacy_touch_file: Found /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf; requested from (vxdbms_conf.cpp.1528).
14:28:30.977 [3509] <2> DbmOdbcConnect::set_connection_id: -1 -> 2154
14:28:31.002 [3509] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 227 no entity was found; query type: 282
14:30:27.188 [3588] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:30:27.194 [3588] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 2
14:30:27.310 [3588] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 0 ; query type: 91
14:30:27.332 [3589] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:30:27.338 [3589] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 2
14:30:27.428 [3589] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 0 ; query type: 91
14:31:24.713 [3630] <2> logconnections: BPDBM ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 10
14:31:24.719 [3630] <4> bpdbm: VERBOSE = 2
14:31:24.739 [3630] <2> process_request: request complete: exit status 0 ; query type: 98
Yes - seems OIP is picking default interface on the master.
No bright spark ideas from my side.... only these suggestions:
- Log a call with Symantec regarding OIP and backup network
- Use legacy backup scripts until you find solution for point 1.
Deyaa - could you please try the NBU OIP via the normal network just to confirm it actual work as intended-.
Since actual backup traffic is parsed to a NAS device, do you need the backup network at all ?