NBU 7.1
All servers involved - 2008R2
Exchange 2010 SP2 RU3
I'm trying to backup my DAG, which consists of 3 nodes: HQExch1, HQExch2, HQExch3. The Virtual DAG name is DFGDAG1. I've gone through the pre-req documents and to the best of my knowledge, I've met the requirements.
Here's my policy:
Policy Name: Exchange_Backup
Options: 0x0
template: FALSE
audit_reason: ?
Names: (none)
Policy Type: MS-Exchange-Server (16)
Active: yes
Effective date: 08/14/2012 15:59:02
Mult. Data Stream: no
Perform Snapshot Backup: yes
Snapshot Method: VSS
Snapshot Method Arguments: prov_type=0,snap_attr=0,max_snapshots=1
Perform Offhost Backup: no
Backup Copy: 0
Use Data Mover: no
Data Mover Type: 2
Use Alternate Client: no
Alternate Client Name: (none)
Use Virtual Machine: 0
Hyper-V Server Name: (none)
Enable Instant Recovery: no
Policy Priority: 0
Max Jobs/Policy: Unlimited
Disaster Recovery: 0
Collect BMR Info: no
Keyword: (none specified)
Data Classification: -
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: no
Client Encrypt: no
Checkpoint: no
Residence: Advanced
Volume Pool: NetBackup
Server Group: *ANY*
Granular Restore Info: yes
Exchange Source passive db: yes
Exchange 2010 Preferred Server: (none defined)
Application Discovery: no
Discovery Lifetime: 28800 seconds
Generation: 3
Ignore Client Direct: no
Client/HW/OS/Pri: DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov Windows-x64 Windows2008 0 0 0 0 ?
Include: Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\
Schedule: Daily_Full
Type: FULL SExchange (0)
Calendar sched: Enabled
Monday, Week 1
Wednesday, Week 1
Friday, Week 1
Monday, Week 2
Wednesday, Week 2
Friday, Week 2
Monday, Week 3
Wednesday, Week 3
Friday, Week 3
Monday, Week 4
Wednesday, Week 4
Friday, Week 4
Monday, Week 5
Wednesday, Week 5
Friday, Week 5
Maximum MPX: 1
Synthetic: 0
PFI Recovery: 0
Retention Level: 0 (1 week)
u-wind/o/d: 0 0
Incr Type: DELTA (0)
Alt Read Host: (none defined)
Max Frag Size: 0 MB
Number Copies: 1
Fail on Error: 0
Residence: (specific storage unit not required)
Volume Pool: (same as policy volume pool)
Server Group: (same as specified for policy)
Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy: 0
Daily Windows:
Day Open Close W-Open W-Close
Sunday 000:00:00 000:00:00
Monday 020:00:00 028:00:00 044:00:00 052:00:00
Tuesday 000:00:00 000:00:00
Wednesday 020:00:00 028:00:00 092:00:00 100:00:00
Thursday 000:00:00 000:00:00
Friday 020:00:00 028:00:00 140:00:00 148:00:00
Saturday 000:00:00 000:00:00
The job details are as follows:
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - Info nbjm(pid=3244) starting backup job (jobid=20135) for client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov, policy Exchange_Backup, schedule Daily_Full
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - Info nbjm(pid=3244) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=20135, request id:{F319B07F-E1E9-47C3-9C77-862367E648C3})
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - requesting resource Advanced
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - requesting resource dfgbkup1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - requesting resource dfgbkup1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Exchange_Backup
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - requesting resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.dfgbkup1.Exchange_Backup.DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - granted resource dfgbkup1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - granted resource dfgbkup1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.Exchange_Backup
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - granted resource EXCHANGE_RESOLVER.dfgbkup1.Exchange_Backup.DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - begin Parent Job
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - begin Unknown Type, Start Notify Script
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=7732) started
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=7732) exiting with status: 0
Status 0
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - end Unknown Type, Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - begin Unknown Type, Step By Condition
Status 0
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - end Unknown Type, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - begin Unknown Type, Read File List
Status 0
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - end Unknown Type, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - begin Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery
8/16/2012 12:18:15 PM - started process bpbrm (4848)
8/16/2012 12:18:16 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=4848) DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov is the host to restore data
8/16/2012 12:18:17 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=4848) reading file list from client
8/16/2012 12:18:24 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=4848) client_pid=6940
8/16/2012 12:18:24 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=4848) from client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov: TRV - BPRESOLVER has executed on server (HQEXCH2)
8/16/2012 12:18:30 PM - Warning bpbrm(pid=4848) from client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov: WRN - Exchange 2010 item <\\DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov\Microsoft Information Store\DFG Mailbox 1> not backed up. See bpresolver log.
8/16/2012 12:18:30 PM - Warning bpbrm(pid=4848) from client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov: WRN - Exchange 2010 item <\\DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov\Microsoft Information Store\DFG Mailbox 2> not backed up. See bpresolver log.
8/16/2012 12:18:30 PM - Warning bpbrm(pid=4848) from client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov: WRN - Exchange 2010 item <\\DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov\Microsoft Information Store\DFG Mailbox 3> not backed up. See bpresolver log.
8/16/2012 12:18:30 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=6940) done. status: 2
8/16/2012 12:18:30 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=4848) no worklist items returned from bpresolver on client DFGDAG1.ad.dfg.ca.gov
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - Info bpresolver(pid=6940) done. status: 2: none of the requested files were backed up
Status 2
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - end Unknown Type, Resolver Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:20
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - begin Unknown Type, Stop On Error
Status 0
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - end Unknown Type, Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - begin Unknown Type, End Notify Script
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=5408) started
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - Info RUNCMD(pid=5408) exiting with status: 0
Status 0
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - end Unknown Type, End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00
Status 2
8/16/2012 12:18:35 PM - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 00:00:20
none of the requested files were backed up(2)
I've also attached the resolver log after the above job.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.