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gkman's avatar
Level 5
8 years ago

Exchange 2013 GRT Restore fails- need help troubleshooting


I am trying to restore a few Items of a users calendar back into his mailbox (original location)
if I try triggering the restore through the "administration console" from the "backup, archive and restore tree", a error window pops up saying "Invalid command usage. a failed restore job appears in the activity monitor with either error 130 or 50 (can't figure out what's the change). no information is shown in the details status.

However if I try triggering the restore from the legacy "backup, archive and restore" (nbwin.exe), a job successfully starts but is stuck on the restore, no error message and in the details status the last update in "info bprm (pid=134244) restore executed on server..", no kilobytes written or anything.

the only bpbrm log I found was located on our media-server (appliance), and the last two lines are:

12:50:01.707 [178955.178955] <2> bpbrm write_msg_to_progress_file: (1406836.001) MNR - error writing file: %1
12:50:22.127 [134244.134244] <2> bpbrm main: Could not send keepalive to bprd

the time now is 13:30. (I canceled and restarted the job a few times)

what else can I try? this is the first time ever this has happened. previous restore attempts worked properly.

thanks in advance for the help

  • Status 5 is the general code for failed restore.  These are changed into 28xx series statuses, where xx depends on the client type. For Exchange, all status 5 results become 2810.

    There is no tar log for an Exchange GRT restore. The restore is performed by nbgre. Just how big did your ncfgre log get? If you look at the last several MB of it, what was it doing at the time of failure? Can you find an error in it?

    At the start of this thread, you said you were trying to restore some calendar items. Then you posted a log snippet that shows Inbox messages being restored. What are you selecting for restore? GRT is a bad way to try to restore an entire mailbox. It's good for restoring a few messages, or a folder or two. For large-scale restores, you should restore the database to an RDB and use Exchange tools to pick what you need out of the RDB.

    If you continue to have troubles, I suggest opening a case with Veritas support. They can help you analyze your NetBackup logs.


12 Replies

  • If bpbrm can't send a 1-byte message to bprd, then this isn't an Exchange question. It's why can't my media server talk to my master server?

    What has changed in your network from when the restore worked until it didn't work?

    Did this bpbrm pid log anything of use before that error? Did it get far enough to start nbfsd and nbgre?