Forum Discussion

amr_tarek's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Exchange 2013 Vaildation Credentials failed

I am Facing an issue while entering the MS Exchange user credentials in the host profiles of the Mailboxes / CAS servers , giving me "unable to validate user name and password". you will find attached the error pop up to me while trying to add the right credentials However , if i used the same password to login or stop/start netbackup services. It works normally

9 Replies

  • This is a guess... so forgive me if this transpires to be a red-herring...

    ...but I have previously been told, by an expert, that the MS Exchange credentials 'username' used by NetBackup must not partially match to any other AD account 'username'.

    ...for example...

    If you have two accounts named:



    ...then when you try to use "domain\srv_backup" within NetBackup, then NetBackup gets confused because it also partially matches against "domain\srv_backup_test".

    So, NetBackup requires AD credentials which are completely unique - even to the extent of partial strings.

  • Apologies - just remembered something - that the service account for MS Exchange credentials must also not be a 'hidden' account.

  • Thanks for you support , but acutually the domain account is unique

  • Just as a matter of interest, can you try and add that username/password to say the master/media server? Pretend its the exchange client and go to host properties > clients > master server name. Then enter the details in the exchange tab.

  • I feel like this should have helped.


    Cannot add a Windows global account to Host Properties, it fails with status 1385 errors. Article: TECH231969 Updated: August 14, 2015 Article URL:


    There is a major difference between starting a service and actually accessing the exchange environment.