Exchange Status 71
i have a DAG containing 2 exchange servers 2016, logs in C: partition are not purged.
netbackup version is 8.1
the policy is configured as below :
attributes = policy type : ms-exchange-server // perform snapshot backups is checked , VSS (0,0,1) // passive copy and if not available active copy // servers are introduced with FQDN in prefered list (active server is in top)
schedule = differential (frequence 1 day) and full (frequence 1 week) in each one the option "snapshots and copy snapshots to a storage unit" is checked.
clients= the DAG name
backup selection=Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\
in the host proprieties\clients\DAG name\Exchange the option "truncate exchange log files after successful instant recovery backup" is not checked.
the full backup is done with status 0 but some snapshots of the fail with status 71 (none of the files in the file list exist).
circular logging in exchange servers is disabled.
Please i need help !
thank you
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