Forum Discussion

inn_kam's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Exclude files from Master Server of Linux Clients of One Policy?


Netbackup master server on Suse Linux

One Policy North Branches (containing 9 Linux clients )

want to exclude .evolution file from all these 9 clients of this particular policy from Master server , either from GUI or from command

How can i do it?


i have checked

but these links saying that we have to make a exclude list file on each client.


Can't we do it from master server




  • No, exclusions are not 'established' via a master server setting.

    Exclusions are a 'client' configuration item/property.

    However, you can use a master to 'push' (bpsetconfig) exclusion lists to clients - i.e. you should not have to logon to each client to edit its exclusion list/file.

    You can then 'pull/copy/view' (bpgetconfig) the exclusion list from a client to check it/them.


    Tip:  The methods for 'managing' exclusions are different between Windows and Unix/Linux clients.

    For Windows clients it is easiest to use the GUI.  But you can use CLI too, i.e. bpgetconfig/bpsetconfig.

    For Unix cliets, there is no GUI option, you must use bpgetconfig/bpsetconfig.

    The syntax AND method for using bpgetconfig and bpsetconfig - for managing exclusions - is different between Windows and Unix.

    Download and read the commands reference guide.

  • See the examples in this tech note:

    To exclude ALL files with a .evolution extension put


    In the exclude list

  • 1) Create a file of exclusions on the master, named:  my-exclusions.txt

    2) Send/push the list to a client using:   bpsetconfig -h myclient -e my-exclusions.txt

    3) Do not do this:   bpgetconfig -h anotherclient -e my-exclusions.txt

    ...because this will overwrite the file "my-exclusions.txt" with the exclusions from "anotherclient", which may itself be empty

    4) Did you not have time to download and read the manual sections for these two commands?

6 Replies

  • No, exclusions are not 'established' via a master server setting.

    Exclusions are a 'client' configuration item/property.

    However, you can use a master to 'push' (bpsetconfig) exclusion lists to clients - i.e. you should not have to logon to each client to edit its exclusion list/file.

    You can then 'pull/copy/view' (bpgetconfig) the exclusion list from a client to check it/them.


    Tip:  The methods for 'managing' exclusions are different between Windows and Unix/Linux clients.

    For Windows clients it is easiest to use the GUI.  But you can use CLI too, i.e. bpgetconfig/bpsetconfig.

    For Unix cliets, there is no GUI option, you must use bpgetconfig/bpsetconfig.

    The syntax AND method for using bpgetconfig and bpsetconfig - for managing exclusions - is different between Windows and Unix.

    Download and read the commands reference guide.

  • See the examples in this tech note:

    To exclude ALL files with a .evolution extension put


    In the exclude list

  • thanks all

    at Master serer i have made a file exclude_list with *.evolution at /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/lists

    now i ran command ./bpgetconfig  -e /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/lists/exclude_list  CLIENTNAME

    Then i got this error socket read failed

    so where is my mistake

  • 1) Create a file of exclusions on the master, named:  my-exclusions.txt

    2) Send/push the list to a client using:   bpsetconfig -h myclient -e my-exclusions.txt

    3) Do not do this:   bpgetconfig -h anotherclient -e my-exclusions.txt

    ...because this will overwrite the file "my-exclusions.txt" with the exclusions from "anotherclient", which may itself be empty

    4) Did you not have time to download and read the manual sections for these two commands?

  • THANKS All

    as i ran first bpgetconfig so it was giving error

    How to Exclude *.evolution file from Master Server in UNIX

    We have made a file in  Master server  namely  exclude_list and add  *.evolution in it  at location /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/lists using vi

    then from master server we  ran command
     usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd #./bpsetconfig  -e /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/lists/exclude_list  -h CLIENTNAME


  • You want the exclude_list on the client to be exclude_list.policyname if you only want to exclude this file from 1 policy.

    If you have other policies that backup these clients that you want the .evolution file backed up on a exclude_list (without the ,policyname on the end matching the policy you want to exclude this selection from) will affect ALL policies.