Forum Discussion

rcos152's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Extremely slow Exchange 2003 backups with Netbackup


I am getting extremely slow backups of my exchange mailboxes using Netbackup.  They are backing up at rougle .075 mb/sec, the istores are backing up correctly at rought 22mb/sec.  


Yes, I do have to do individual mailbox backups, they are split up into multiple policies (i.e. xchange_mailboxes_a-c), they do have multiple data streams selected and a being compressed.  Is there any other setting I can change to get a little bit quicker speed?  I'd be ok with getting 1 mb/sec but I'm not even getting that.  



7 Replies

  • Can you please share us more details like

    1)is it a new configuration? or old set up?

    2)did this backup run faster any time and how long it is taking to get completed?

    3)Is the backup ever completed or getting hung with low speed writting?

    4)please provide us more details about policy?

    5)what is the client OS? If it is windows verify Event and Application logs..

    are clients VSS Writers are stable?

  • 1.) It is an old setup

    2.) From what I can tell, the backups for the mailboxes always ran slow, but not this slow.  it's taking 20 hours to complete a incremential of 500gb.

    3.) The backups are completing, just slowly

    4.) Policy called out Exchange Mailbox:\[a-c].  Runs daily incs and monthly fulls. It's backing up to a Netapp Cifs share via unc path and it has compression and multiple data streams turned on.  

    5.)It's windows Servers 2008 R2, nothing out of the ordinary in the event logs and the VSS writers appear to be stable.

  • Slow mailbox backups is a known fact. Not much can be done from NBU point of view.

    Speak to your Exchange Admins about fragmentation and disk/LUN layout where Exchange databases reside.
    Get server owners and network team to verify NIC and network config.

    Please read up about GRT backups - it backs up entire database and gives you the ability to restore individual mailboxes and mail items. No need to perform seperate mailbox backups. This feature is covered in NBU for Exchange Admin Guide as well as these videos:

    Have a look at this one: 
    Configuring Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 Granular Restore Technology (GRT) backups with NetBackup 6.5 and 7.0

  • Thanks Marianne, 

    I'll take a look at the documentation and run it by upper management.  I assumed it was slow as this is the first time I've ever seen individual mailboxes backup before, but I figured I would throw the question out there and see if anyone had any suggestions.

  • Recently we have faced an issue for one exchange server for which both OS and exchange backups were writting with slow speed and backups got hung without completion due to "VSS writers errors",

    Microsoft Exchange Writer'
         State: [5] Waiting for completion
       Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'IIS Config Writer'
          State: [5] Waiting for completion
       Last error: No error

    Writer name: 'Registry Writer'
          State: [5] Waiting for completion
       Last error: No error

    After restarting the VSS service on the server some of the writers are in 'waiting for post shadow copy' state and the issue was fixed after windows team reregistered the dll files which stablized the VSS writers from then backups are started writting with good speed.

    The issue ur facing is diff from ours.

    as Marianne suggested go through all the docs and work integrating with server,exchange teams.

    If you are still failing to improve the backup speed I would suggest to raise a support case with Syamntec for speedy checks and suggestions. All the best.

  • In all honesty, I cannot see how Symantec can assist in this matter, as all the factors causing slow transfer rates are outside of NBU. NBU can only backup as fast as data is received from Exchange and the network.
  • yup I agree with u.. what i meant is support will guide him in right direction towards the fix.. like wre it is lagging and with which vendor thy ve to raise a case if requires etc.

    "NBU can only backup as fast as data is received from Exchange and the network."

    as stated  in the first line " always we agree with u and like to follow ur suggestions"smileyThq