failed to communicate with resource requester (811)
Hi All,
One of our backup has failing with 811 status frequently.
Details as below.
07/13/2012 04:07:08 - Error bptm (pid=30146620) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
07/13/2012 04:07:43 - Warning bptm (pid=30146620) media id 213832 load operation reported an error
07/13/2012 04:08:43 - current media 213832 complete, requesting next media Any
07/13/2012 04:40:20 - Waiting for scan drive stop HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004, Media server: xxxxx
07/13/2012 04:40:20 - granted resource 213832
07/13/2012 04:40:20 - granted resource HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.004
07/13/2012 04:40:20 - granted resource xxxxx-hcart3-robot-tld-0
07/13/2012 04:46:25 - Error bptm (pid=30146620) media manager terminated by parent process
failed to communicate with resource requester (811)
Master Server :- Solaris 10
NBU VERSION :- 6.5.4
(DMZ Server) Media Server (Client) :- AIX 6.1
Kindly assist on the same.
Worth to check PBX , also make sure necessary ports are allowed between master and media server
Error code 811 occurs when there is a pbx communication issue between master and media servers.
Verify if the telnet to 1556 works between Master and Media server and vice versa
If 13724 and 13782 ports are opened on master and media the backup starts however when bptm on media server tries to communicates to nbjm on master server it uses PBX connection hence it uses port 1556.
If 1556 port is blocked on the media server the above connection will not work and the backup job will fail with Exit status 811
On windows 2008 make sure you have opened port 1556 outbound and incoming on the firewall.
If this port is blocked on the media server then the backups will fail with 811