Forum Discussion

perez_cmz's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Getting error 190 when running bpduplicate command

I'm trying to duplicate about 800 images onto LTO6 tapes. These images have already been phase 1 and 2 imported.

Everytime I run this command, it fails with error 190 (found no images or media matching the selection criteria).

This is the command.


/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -Bidfile /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID -dstunit US_NYK_MS2_LTO1_TO_LTO6 -dp US_NYK_LTO6 -cn 1 -dcn 2 -rl 9 -L /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID_log


Something else to note is when I run the command immediately again, it fails with "remote file copy failed 12: file open failed".

All help is greatly appreciated.


  • I recall if you import images they're kept for only a week unless you change the retention. Please try the import again and take note of the expiry date. Then try duplicate via CLI a single image to see what the problem is.


    Post the result.

  • Hi,


    Remove this from the command and try just one image from the bidfile


    "-cn 1 -dcn 2"



  • @Riaan.Badenhorst I got the same result when I reran the command without "-cn 1 -dcn 2".

  • This is the command ...

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -Bidfile /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID -dstunit US_NYK_MS2_LTO1_TO_LTO6 -dp US_NYK_LTO6 -cn 1 -dcn 2 -rl 9 -L /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID_log


    ... and this is the output.



  • There is something wrong with the bidfile then.



    bpimagelist -backupid "some id's from your bid file" -l

  • [root@XXXXX ~]# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -backupid ibnyccbs3106_1145813020 -l

    no entity was found

  • The backup id no longer exists. How long ago did you import the backup? What was the retention level of the imported images? Seems the imports have expired in the meantime....
  • Agreed with Marianne, that image is indeed quite old, created on 23 Apr 2006. Should work only if set to INFINITY retention.

  • I recall if you import images they're kept for only a week unless you change the retention. Please try the import again and take note of the expiry date. Then try duplicate via CLI a single image to see what the problem is.


    Post the result.