Getting error 190 when running bpduplicate command
I'm trying to duplicate about 800 images onto LTO6 tapes. These images have already been phase 1 and 2 imported.
Everytime I run this command, it fails with error 190 (found no images or media matching the selection criteria).
This is the command.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpduplicate -Bidfile /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID -dstunit US_NYK_MS2_LTO1_TO_LTO6 -dp US_NYK_LTO6 -cn 1 -dcn 2 -rl 9 -L /tmp/LTO1_091815_BackupID_log
Something else to note is when I run the command immediately again, it fails with "remote file copy failed 12: file open failed".
All help is greatly appreciated.
I recall if you import images they're kept for only a week unless you change the retention. Please try the import again and take note of the expiry date. Then try duplicate via CLI a single image to see what the problem is.
Post the result.