Forum Discussion

jwithamwellcome's avatar
5 years ago

GUI Restore Works, CLI Restore Fails


We are running a restore in the GUI and it works perfect and then tried to script this restore, see script below but every time it throws this error - EXIT STATUS 2808: MS-windows policy restore error



cd "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"

.\bprestore.exe -B -w -C FileServer01 -D -L "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bprd\test.log" -s 26/04/2019 05:13:12 -e 26/04/2019 23:15:28 -R "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_rename.txt" -f "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_list.txt"


D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_rename.txt =

rename 142 "/Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/Departments/BlueEarth/Doc.docx" 171 "D:\doc.docx"



D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_list.txt =

142 /Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/Departments/BlueEarth/doc.docx




When I run the script, I see in the activity controller.....




17-Apr-2020 14:08:00 - begin Restore
17-Apr-2020 14:08:02 - Info bprd (pid=12996) Found (3,467,191) files in (10) images for Restore Job ID
17-Apr-2020 14:08:02 - restoring from image fileserver01_1556305208
17-Apr-2020 14:08:02 - requesting resource  @aaaaS
17-Apr-2020 14:08:02 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaaS;DiskVolume=_PhysicalLSU;DiskPool=dxi-qcloudprotect;Path=_PhysicalLSU;StorageServer=aws-qcloudprotect_172.31.23.33;
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bprd (pid=12996) Searched (        2) files of (3,467,191) files for Restore Job ID
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bprd (pid=12996) Restoring from copy 2 of image created 04/26/19 20:00:08 from policy AA-FS01_Weekly
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bpbrm (pid=10536) is the host to restore to
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bpbrm (pid=10536) reading file list for client
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bpbrm (pid=10536) connecting to bprd to get file list
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - connecting
17-Apr-2020 14:08:03 - Info bpbrm (pid=10536) starting bptm
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - Info tar32 (pid=7288) Restore started
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - Info bptm (pid=13688) start
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - started process bptm (pid=13688)
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - Info bptm (pid=13688) reading backup image
17-Apr-2020 14:08:07 - Info bptm (pid=13688) using 64 data buffers
17-Apr-2020 14:08:08 - begin reading
17-Apr-2020 14:08:11 - Info bptm (pid=13688) waited for empty buffer 0 times, delayed 0 times
17-Apr-2020 14:08:11 - Info tar32 (pid=7288) done. status: 5
17-Apr-2020 14:08:11 - end reading; read time: 0:00:03
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - Info bptm (pid=13688) completed reading backup image
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - Info bptm (pid=13688) EXITING with status 0 <----------
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - Info tar32 (pid=7288) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - Error bpbrm (pid=10536) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - restored from image fileserver01_1556305208; restore time: 0:00:15
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - Warning bprd (pid=12996) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 25/04/2020 20:00:08
17-Apr-2020 14:08:17 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:17
Windows File System policy restore error  (2808)

  • davidmoline's avatar
    5 years ago

    Look at the rename file again - I think you may be missing a new line. From the commands reference guide (the emphasis is mine). 

    For example, the following entry renames C:\fred.txt to C:\fred2.txt:
    rename 11 /C/fred.txt 12 /C/fred2.txt
    (Be sure to end the entry with a return.)

    Your rename file doesn't appear to to have a new line at the end. I think what may be happening is it is attempting to restore the file to the original location on the destination server hence the strange error (as I assume the destination server doesn't have DFSR running). 

22 Replies

  • Oddly the rename file for Windows files needs to be specified in a Unix/Linux like format, and note the numbers are lengths of the part not positions.  Don't use quotes in the contents of the rename file.

    For example, the following entry renames C:\fred.txt to C:\fred2.txt:
    rename 11 /C/fred.txt 12 /C/fred2.txt

  • Following on from sdo advice, your rename file is incorrect. It should read something like the following:

    rename 142 /Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/Departments/BlueEarth/Doc.docx 11 /D/doc.docx

    Three changes from what you had - no quotes; the second length was incorrect, and the rename location needs to be specified using linux/unix syntax

    • jwithamwellcome's avatar
      Level 3

      A big thank you to davidmoline  & sdo , the unix format was something I had indeed overlooked.

      Here is the updated script:



      cd "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin"

      .\bprestore.exe -B -w -C FileServer01 -D -L "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bprd\test.log" -s 26/04/2019 05:13:12 -e 26/04/2019 23:15:28 -R "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_rename.txt" -f "D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_list.txt"


      D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_rename.txt =

      rename 142 /Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/Departments/BlueEarth/Doc.docx 11 /D/doc.docx



      D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\user_ops\test03a_list.txt =

      142 /Shadow Copy Components/User Data/Distributed File System Replication/DfsrReplicatedFolders/Departments/BlueEarth/doc.docx




      When I run this script is still fails with EXIT STATUS 2808, the activity monitor reads:


      20-Apr-2020 08:43:18 - begin Restore
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:20 - Info bprd (pid=11696) Found (3,467,191) files in (10) images for Restore Job ID
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:20 - restoring from image wt-fs01_1556305208
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:20 - requesting resource  @aaaaS
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:20 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaaS;DiskVolume=_PhysicalLSU;DiskPool=dxi-qcloudprotect;Path=_PhysicalLSU;StorageServer=aws-qcloudprotect_172.31.23.33;
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:21 - Info bprd (pid=11696) Searched (        2) files of (3,467,191) files for Restore Job ID
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:21 - Info bprd (pid=11696) Restoring from copy 2 of image created 04/26/19 20:00:08 from policy WT-FS01_Weekly
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:21 - Info bpbrm (pid=3152) wt-aws-nb02 is the host to restore to
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:21 - Info bpbrm (pid=3152) reading file list for client
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:23 - connecting
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:23 - Info bpbrm (pid=3152) starting bptm
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:26 - Info tar32 (pid=1472) Restore started
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:26 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:26 - Info bptm (pid=11280) start
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:26 - started process bptm (pid=11280)
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:26 - Info bptm (pid=11280) reading backup image
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:27 - Info bptm (pid=11280) using 64 data buffers
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:27 - Info bptm (pid=11280) spawning a child process
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:27 - Info bptm (pid=11280) child pid: 14104
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:27 - Info bptm (pid=14104) start
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:27 - started process bptm (pid=14104)
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:28 - begin reading
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:29 - Warning bpbrm (pid=3152) from client wt-aws-nb02: WRN - can't create file:  (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:29 - Info tar32 (pid=1472) done. status 0
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:29 - Info tar32 (pid=1472) done. status: 5
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:45 - Info bptm (pid=11280) waited for empty buffer 1 times, delayed 1 times
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:45 - end reading; read time: 0:00:17
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - Info bptm (pid=11280) completed reading backup image
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - Info bptm (pid=11280) EXITING with status 0 <----------
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - Info tar32 (pid=1472) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - Error bpbrm (pid=3152) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - restored from image wt-fs01_1556305208; restore time: 0:00:33
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - Warning bprd (pid=11696) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 25/04/2020 20:00:08
      20-Apr-2020 08:43:53 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:35
      Windows File System policy restore error  (2808)

      • sdo's avatar

        The first error seems to be:

        Warning bpbrm (pid=3152) from client wt-aws-nb02: WRN - can't create file:  (WIN32 3: The system cannot find the path specified. )

        NetBackup should create a folder if it doesn't exist.  Is a D: drive present and writable on the client: wt-aws-nb02 ?