Forum Discussion

zmlat's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

How can I do redirected RMAN restore to client with backup IP/hostname


In trying to do a redirected restore of an RMAN backup using NetBackup, I am getting the following error: 

05/02/2017 11:32:47 - Error bpbrm (pid=14098) bpcd on fooz exited with status 48: client hostname could not be found
05/02/2017 11:32:48 - restored from image db-backup-source_1493623320; restore time: 0:00:08
05/02/2017 11:32:48 - Info tar (pid=0) done. status: 48: client hostname could not be found
05/02/2017 11:32:48 - Error bpbrm (pid=14098) client restore EXIT STATUS 48: client hostname could not be found
05/02/2017 11:32:52 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:15
Oracle policy restore error (2801)

My guess is the the "hostname" in question is the destination client, which is known to Netbackup as: fooz-bkp (since we back it up using a backup network). Normally not an issue on a normal redirected restore, but I'm not sure how to specify the destination client within the RMAN commands, which are being run from fooz.

This is a NB env. restore source Client is linux, and restore destination is a linux media server .


  • What is CLIENT_NAME on the media server? 
    It should be fooz-bkp. 

    Run these commands on the destination client/media server:

    bpclntcmd -self
    bpclntcmd -pn

    Both should return fooz-bkp.

    Next thing to check is the media server that performed the initial backup and assumingly the restore. 
    Does that media server 'know' about fooz-bkp / fooz? 
    Have you checked forward/reverse name lookup in all directions?
    Is it possible to redirect the restore to media server fooz-bkp?

    To troubleshoot initial name resolution during job setup, ensure that bprd log exists on the master. If not, create the folder and restart NBU on the master.
    This will give us info such as requesting client, requesting client hostname, destination client name, etc. 
    bprd will also tell us which media server is selected for the restore.

    To troubleshoot media server comms with destination client (if not same), ensure bpbrm log exists on the media server.

11 Replies

  • Hello,


    Are you able to run the below command and get the list of backup pieces from target client fooz?

    #/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -C db-backup-source -t 4 -R -l /

    If not then create touch file No.Restrictions file on master server and run the command again.

    This command should provide you the successful output. Without backup piece output we cannot move further.


    Also same article have other link about RMAN redirect restore.


    Go through the NBU oracle agent admin guide. It have complete procedure to perform redirect client restore.

    Reference topic "Redirecting a restore to a different client" page 93:

    Admin Guide :


  • What is CLIENT_NAME on the media server? 
    It should be fooz-bkp. 

    Run these commands on the destination client/media server:

    bpclntcmd -self
    bpclntcmd -pn

    Both should return fooz-bkp.

    Next thing to check is the media server that performed the initial backup and assumingly the restore. 
    Does that media server 'know' about fooz-bkp / fooz? 
    Have you checked forward/reverse name lookup in all directions?
    Is it possible to redirect the restore to media server fooz-bkp?

    To troubleshoot initial name resolution during job setup, ensure that bprd log exists on the master. If not, create the folder and restart NBU on the master.
    This will give us info such as requesting client, requesting client hostname, destination client name, etc. 
    bprd will also tell us which media server is selected for the restore.

    To troubleshoot media server comms with destination client (if not same), ensure bpbrm log exists on the media server.

  • Put the script on the destination, NOT THE SOURCE

    The variable for client name however, MUST BE THE SOURCE CLIENT

    Run the script on the redirected destination server, it will find the source client backup and restore to where it runs.

    Make sure to have all the Oracle stuff defined so it restores cleanly.


    • zmlat's avatar
      Level 4

      The script is running on the destination client. In activity monitor, the client column on the restore job has "fooz", which is not an NB client...the client name as defined in NBU is fooz-bkp.

  • Hello,


    I forgot to provide steps to resolve the actual error mentioned in post :)

    Kindly go through the steps mentioned by Marianne before follow my steps.

    The forward and reverse lookup should happen between Master, Media and client to perform redirect restore.

    Master and Media server must aware about the target client
