Forum Discussion

KNMV's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

How to cofigure san backup?


Can any one explain how to configure san backup(Step by step) in Solaris based Master server..and how to take data into tape or Disk..


  • Search for NetBackup Blueprints - will give you a very nice overview of the technical concepts.
  • You may also want to search this forum for 'San Client and San Media server'.

    Lots of discussions here regarding that topic.

4 Replies

  • Search for NetBackup Blueprints - will give you a very nice overview of the technical concepts.
  • There is no single one way to do things. And so much depends upon nodes, adopters, topology, storage arrays and versions. There is no quick answer. I'm sorry to say that the only sensible answer to such a brief question is an equally brief answer of that it may best if you read a bit more and then come back with more questions that are more specific. Good luck. We will help more, but your question is too general, too open. :)
  • You may also want to search this forum for 'San Client and San Media server'.

    Lots of discussions here regarding that topic.

  • Hi help requird relatting to resoration of dat to different media server.

    How to add a new media server to exixting environmet and i need to restore clent data to new media server also