Forum Discussion

Charley90's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

how to create .f files via nbu command ?

Dear all,
Is there any command that could create a backup content data (.f files) in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images/localhost/XXX/xxx.f ?
I need get .f files but I don't want to run a really backup job via NBU GUI.
So how to create .f files via nbu command ?


  • mph999's avatar
    8 years ago

    Not that I can think of as the ceation of the snapshot is done 'manually' outside of NetBackup, therefore there is no way to monitor when it has been created successfully, and thus for NBU to know when to start the backup job.


8 Replies

  • You can run a backup from cmd using bpbackup.
    Use -i to kick of a manual backup of scheduled backup policy.
    Without -i you run a user backup. User Backup schedule must exist in a policy for client name.

    More info about manual backup and user schedule in Admin Guide I and Commands manual.
    Links to manuals in Handy NBU Links in my signature.
    • mph999's avatar
      Level 6

      Can you explain why you need .f files ?  Or, do you just mean you want to run a backup but not via the GUI (in which case Marianne gives some advice).

      .f files 'without a backup' cannot be created, as it is the backup that creates them.

      • Charley90's avatar
        Level 3

        Hi   mph999

        I need develop a script to implement Snapshot backup function instead of NBU Snapshot method (cause my array do not support NBU snapshot method).

        So I used CLI to create a snapshot LUN on array, then used some NBU cmds to create .f file for restore job, and mount snapshot LUN to media server and convert date to .img  and .info files . 

        Now I can not find some cmds that only create .f files or .img/.info files.

        Do you have any ideas ?

    • Charley90's avatar
      Level 3

      Hi Marianne

      Thanks for your kindly reply. (∩_∩)

      I hava tried the bpbackup cmd and it can run a really backup job that not only created .f files but also created .img and .info files.

      (example:  bpbackup -i -p policy_test01_cl -h localhost -s test -S localhost -t 0 )

      But I only want to get .f files which only contain content data structure (content nama, file name, size, data ,etc.), so cmd bpbackup may not meet my request.

      • mph999's avatar
        Level 6

        It is not possible to only create .f files.

        As you will be aware, .f files contain a list of files that are contained within the backup.  The .img /.info files are part of the actual image itself.

        To have a .f file, you need a backup image, in the same way that to have a backup image means you will have a .f file - it is not possible to have one without the other.

        Without the backup image, a .f file has no use - what do you want this file for ?