Forum Discussion

YOYO_YUE's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

How to create msdp using scripts


anybody known how to use scripts to create the msdp (include pool & stu ) .  


OS VERSION = Redhat7.3 x64

  • OK - understandably SDO isn't comfortable to publish the steps, which I totally understand   ... but I can ...  :0)  - so if it saves a support call that's geat.

    I've not tested this, but at first glance it looks to be complete.


    First make sure Server is configured as Media Server in Netbackup and make sure the name resolution between Master Server and Media server is working fine .

    Then run below command either on Master server or Media server to create the MSDP Storage Server ( I would request you to run the below command on Master server )
    If Master Server is windows machine :
    1) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <storage Server Name>-stype PureDisk -media_server <Media Server Hostname>
    2) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\volmgr\bin\tpconfig -add -storage_server <Storahe Server Name> -stype PureDisk -sts_user_id <user_name> -password <password>

    If Master Server is Linux Machine
    1) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <storage Server HostName>-stype PureDisk -media_server <Media Server Hostname>
    2) /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -storage_server <Storahe Server Name> -stype PureDisk -sts_user_id <user_name> -password <password>

    NOTE : In command 1 I would request you to keep the Storage Server and Media Server Hoatname same .
    In command 2 username and password is for spa user and would be saved in spad database and this username and password has nothing to do with any OS login credentials or any Active Directory user's credentials
    keep the username and password simple like Uesrname : admin Passowrd : admin or Uesrname : root Passowrd : root

    Then run below command locally on Media Server to create the MSDP file and folder structure :
    If Media Server Serevr is Windows Machine :
    3) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\pdde\PDDE_initConfig.bat --storagepoolid=1234 --spalogin=username --spapasswd=password --spalogpath=<MSDP_Path\log> --storagepath=<MSDP_Path> --spalogretention=7 --verboselevel=5 --installpath="C:\Program Files\Veritas\pdde" --dbpath=<MSDP_DBPath> --required_interface=Hostname of Media Server

    If Media Server is Linux Machine :
    3) /usr/openv/pdde/pdconfigure/scripts/installers/ --storagepoolid=1234 --spalogin=username --spapasswd=password --spalogpath=<MSDP_Path/log> --storagepath=<MSDP_Path> --spalogretention=7 --verboselevel=3 --installpath=/usr/openv/pdde --dbpath=<MSDP_DBPath> --required_interface=Hostname of Media Server

    NOTE : In command 3 , keep the username and password same which we provided in command 2 .
    Also you can either keep the MSDP_Path and MSDP_DBPath same or keep them them on different paths

    Then restart the Netbackup services on Media server and check if spad and spoold services are running on it .

    Once the sapd and spoold services are up , then create Diskpool using below command :
    If Master Server is windows machine :
    4) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -createdp -dp <DiskPoolName> -stype PureDisk -storage_server <Storage_Server_Name> -hwm 90 -lwm 80 -max_io_streams 40

    If Master Server is Linux Machine :
    4) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig/nbdevconfig -createdp -dp <DiskPoolName> -stype PureDisk -storage_server <Storage_Server_Name> -hwm 90 -lwm 80 -max_io_streams 40

    Then create Storage Unit with Command :
    If Master Server is windows machine :
    5) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpstuadd -label <Storage Unit Name> -dp <Disk_Pool_Name created in command 4>

    If Master Server is Linux Machine :
    5) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstuadd -label <Storage Unit Name> -dp <Disk_Pool_Name created in command 4>

10 Replies

  • YOYO_YUE     I checked the documentation and all it shows is the GUI method, and does not describe how to create all required constructs from CLI... so I raised a support case (case number 190905-001567) requesting whether Veritas might be able to supply a documented procedure describing how to create an MSDP instance from the CLI... and the Veritas tech I was assigned to was indeed able to furnish such a procedure.  I can say that the supplied procedure contains a step that I had never heard of before, yet, I'm not at liberty to publish their procedure here - so, I'm ever so sorry, but you are most probably going to have to raise your own support case requesting a copy of the same procedure.  HTH.

    • mph999's avatar
      Level 6

      OK - understandably SDO isn't comfortable to publish the steps, which I totally understand   ... but I can ...  :0)  - so if it saves a support call that's geat.

      I've not tested this, but at first glance it looks to be complete.


      First make sure Server is configured as Media Server in Netbackup and make sure the name resolution between Master Server and Media server is working fine .

      Then run below command either on Master server or Media server to create the MSDP Storage Server ( I would request you to run the below command on Master server )
      If Master Server is windows machine :
      1) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <storage Server Name>-stype PureDisk -media_server <Media Server Hostname>
      2) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\volmgr\bin\tpconfig -add -storage_server <Storahe Server Name> -stype PureDisk -sts_user_id <user_name> -password <password>

      If Master Server is Linux Machine
      1) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <storage Server HostName>-stype PureDisk -media_server <Media Server Hostname>
      2) /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -add -storage_server <Storahe Server Name> -stype PureDisk -sts_user_id <user_name> -password <password>

      NOTE : In command 1 I would request you to keep the Storage Server and Media Server Hoatname same .
      In command 2 username and password is for spa user and would be saved in spad database and this username and password has nothing to do with any OS login credentials or any Active Directory user's credentials
      keep the username and password simple like Uesrname : admin Passowrd : admin or Uesrname : root Passowrd : root

      Then run below command locally on Media Server to create the MSDP file and folder structure :
      If Media Server Serevr is Windows Machine :
      3) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\pdde\PDDE_initConfig.bat --storagepoolid=1234 --spalogin=username --spapasswd=password --spalogpath=<MSDP_Path\log> --storagepath=<MSDP_Path> --spalogretention=7 --verboselevel=5 --installpath="C:\Program Files\Veritas\pdde" --dbpath=<MSDP_DBPath> --required_interface=Hostname of Media Server

      If Media Server is Linux Machine :
      3) /usr/openv/pdde/pdconfigure/scripts/installers/ --storagepoolid=1234 --spalogin=username --spapasswd=password --spalogpath=<MSDP_Path/log> --storagepath=<MSDP_Path> --spalogretention=7 --verboselevel=3 --installpath=/usr/openv/pdde --dbpath=<MSDP_DBPath> --required_interface=Hostname of Media Server

      NOTE : In command 3 , keep the username and password same which we provided in command 2 .
      Also you can either keep the MSDP_Path and MSDP_DBPath same or keep them them on different paths

      Then restart the Netbackup services on Media server and check if spad and spoold services are running on it .

      Once the sapd and spoold services are up , then create Diskpool using below command :
      If Master Server is windows machine :
      4) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\nbdevconfig -createdp -dp <DiskPoolName> -stype PureDisk -storage_server <Storage_Server_Name> -hwm 90 -lwm 80 -max_io_streams 40

      If Master Server is Linux Machine :
      4) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig/nbdevconfig -createdp -dp <DiskPoolName> -stype PureDisk -storage_server <Storage_Server_Name> -hwm 90 -lwm 80 -max_io_streams 40

      Then create Storage Unit with Command :
      If Master Server is windows machine :
      5) Install_Path\Program_files\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\bpstuadd -label <Storage Unit Name> -dp <Disk_Pool_Name created in command 4>

      If Master Server is Linux Machine :
      5) /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstuadd -label <Storage Unit Name> -dp <Disk_Pool_Name created in command 4>

      • sdo's avatar

        mph999 cheers for sharing that... and I re-tested with the additional step 4a) and slightly adjusted step 4b) and it all worked ok.  tc.  D.

        (FYI - my demo / test environment was NetBackup Master/Media Server v8.1.1 on Windows Server 2019 Standard (as a VM in Hyper-V))