Forum Discussion

AntonioVargas's avatar
17 years ago

How to create UNIX exclude list

Hi to all,
i want to create an exlude list to clients UNIX and LINUX. I know that with the backup and restore client application i can create it, but the issue here is that i administrate the Netbackup infraestructure but not the client machines. So i want to create and exclude list and give it to the client administrator to put on the specific directory.
i have read that the path for the exclude list file should be:

On UNIX clients, you create the exclude and include lists in the following files on the





so i have to create the file exclude_list and put him there.

my question is... whats the content of the file?

imagine that i want to exclude the directory /usr/test/ and the file /usr/test.exe


what should i put on the exclude list file?


thanks in advance :)

11 Replies

  •  In UNIX, an exclude list is implemented by creating an exclude_list file with the suffix:


    The following are two examples for a policy named wkstations that contains a schedule named fulls:


    The first file affects all scheduled backups in the policy named wkstations.
    The second file affects all scheduled backups in the policy named wkstations whose schedule is named fulls.

    For a given backup, NetBackup uses only one exclude list with the most specific name. For the above examples, if the two files exist, NetBackup will override the former with the latter and use only:


    here is another useful link describing about exclude list