Forum Discussion

manatee's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

how to move tapes to Scratch pool


using the GUI console, clicking on "Media and Device Management"/Media, if i look at the "Mounts" column, is it safe to assume that if the value is 0 then the cartridge hasn't bee written on yet?

i ask because i ran out of available tapes in the Scratch pool so i moved some tapes whose "Mounts" columns is shown as 0 to the Scratch pool.

  • if the Mounts are 0 , that indicates this tape does not have been used by the specific EMM server.

    but even the tape mounts are not equl to 0 tapes can be quilified to be Scratch  when they does not have any valid images on it.

    so look for the valid imges, data size and also the image expiretion date & assigned host.

    if they are blank.. it indicates that those tapes are avaliable for scratch.

    Note:- it is all change when you have tapes comming from other Master server or looking or importing the tapes..


5 Replies

  • if the Mounts are 0 , that indicates this tape does not have been used by the specific EMM server.

    but even the tape mounts are not equl to 0 tapes can be quilified to be Scratch  when they does not have any valid images on it.

    so look for the valid imges, data size and also the image expiretion date & assigned host.

    if they are blank.. it indicates that those tapes are avaliable for scratch.

    Note:- it is all change when you have tapes comming from other Master server or looking or importing the tapes..


  • As per Nagalla's excellent post, only Unassigned tapes can be moved to Scratch.

    NBU has a field in the EMM database called 'Previous Pool'.
    If tapes originally came from Scratch, this field will be updated with Scratch pool name and from there on, all expired tapes will automatically be returned to Scratch.

    So, you only need to do this move to Scratch pool only once for each tape.

    To automatically move all new tapes to Scratch pool (the default is NetBackup pool), create a Barcode rule:

    Barcode Tag:  <DEFAULT>
    pool name    :  Scratch-pool-name

    Add the barcode tag exactly as I have typed it above. 
    This will ensure that all new media automatically goes to the scratch pool, regardless of barcode tag/media-id.

    See this TN:

  • thanks for the replies.

    aside from the "Mount" column being 0, as mentioned by Marianne, only unassigned tapes can be moved. i found this just now when i try to move or change their pool to Scratch.


  • i'm still searching how to create a barcode rule but for the meantime, i think via the GUI, upon doing a robot inventory, i can just edit the default pool and point it to Scratch which would have the same effect. right?

  • To create Barcode Rule, click on 'Advanced Options' in the Inventory update screen.

    Barcode Rules will be one of the tabs.

    See Chapter 9 in NBU Admin Guide 1.