Forum Discussion

Seburau's avatar
Level 3
8 years ago

Return tapes to the scratch pool


I have Netbackup 7.7 with tape library MSL6480. There is a pool for SLP policy. Its name is 1month. There ara a few tapes in this pool with 1 or 2 valid images. So these tapes can not move to the scratch pool. But when I look at "tape contents" one of these tape I see that all images on this tape have expiration date in last year.

How I can see what exactly images are considered valid? And how can I return tape to the scratch pool?

Thank for the help and sorry for my English.

  • Seburau's avatar
    8 years ago

    Solution is:

    1. Find out all expired tapes not in the scratch pool. (report Tape Summary in GUI)

    2. Find out backup id of images giving the problem (nbstlutil list -mediaid <media-id>).

    3. Remove images from SLP (bpexpdate -backupid <backup-id> -d 0 -force_not_complete).

    Thank Veritas Support for this solution.

    Thank Marianne and other peoples for help.

    Sorry for my English.

  • Please show us output of this command for one of these tapes:

    nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid <media-id>
    (command is in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd)

    Output of above command will tell us why tapes cannot be recycled.


    • Seburau's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you Marianne for quick answer.

      Here is output for one of these tapes:

      NBEMMCMD, Version: 7.7
      Media GUID: a14a996e-9811-11e3-8000-895426eccc40
      Media ID: 6741L6
      Partner: -
      Media Type: HCART3
      Volume Group: 000_00000_TLD
      Application: Netbackup
      Media Flags: 1
      Description: Added by Media Manager
      Barcode: 6741L6
      Partner Barcode: --------
      Last Write Host: nbu-s1
      Created: 02/17/2014 14:25
      Time Assigned: 11/07/2015 09:08
      First Mount: 08/09/2014 00:08
      Last Mount: 09/26/2016 13:04
      Volume Expiration: -
      Data Expiration: 12/08/2015 22:14
      Last Written: 11/08/2015 01:22
      Last Read: 09/26/2016 13:04
      Robot Type: TLD
      Robot Control Host: nbu-s1
      Robot Number: 0
      Slot: 10
      Side/Face: -
      Cleanings Remaining: -
      Number of Mounts: 12
      Maximum Mounts Allowed: 0
      Media Status: FULL
      Kilobytes: 3321985660
      Images: 35
      Valid Images: 2
      Retention Period: 3
      Number of Restores: 0
      Optical Header Size Bytes: 1024
      Optical Sector Size Bytes: 0
      Optical Partition Size Bytes: 0
      Last Header Offset: 6333562
      Adamm Guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
      Rsm Guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
      Origin Host: NONE
      Master Host: nbu-s1
      Server Group: NO_SHARING_GROUP
      Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
      Pool Number: 5
      Volume Pool: 1month
      Previous Pool Name: Scratch
      Vault Flags: -
      Vault Container: -
      Vault Name: -
      Vault Slot: -
      Session ID: -
      Date Vaulted: -
      Return Date: -
      Media on Hold: 0
      Command completed successfully.

      I see that this tape has 2 valid images, but in GUI I see that all images on this tape are expired.

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        List the image id's with Images on Tape report (or use 'bpimmedia -mediaid <media-id> -U' ).

        When you have the image-id's, list the details with:

        bpimagelist -backupid <image-id> -L