Forum Discussion

Abhisheknetback's avatar
10 years ago

How to reduce Catalog size on windows master server

Dear Friends,

Catalog size is growing in my enviorment , what is best practicse to manage catalog size , currently our catalog size is 420 GB and master server is on windows 2008 R2 Plat form , NBU total client backup 500 please suggest .


Thank You !!

  • You can eiter compress it, or archive it.

    Compression just 'zips' up the .f files in the catalog.

    Archiving backs the .f files up, and then deletes them.  If a restore is required, you have to recover the .f file(s) first - so usually you archive off the 'older' parts of te catalog where restores are not frequently run.

    This is all covered in the Admin Guide (part I), look uner chaper about protecting the NBU catalog.

    (Other option, add more disk .... )

9 Replies

  • You can eiter compress it, or archive it.

    Compression just 'zips' up the .f files in the catalog.

    Archiving backs the .f files up, and then deletes them.  If a restore is required, you have to recover the .f file(s) first - so usually you archive off the 'older' parts of te catalog where restores are not frequently run.

    This is all covered in the Admin Guide (part I), look uner chaper about protecting the NBU catalog.

    (Other option, add more disk .... )

  • Firstly - have a careful look at retention levels. 
    Ensure that retention levels match Business an Compliance requirements.
    Don't choose Infinity just because there is not default 5-year retention.
    Do not add long-term retention for OS files and data. There is hardly ever a need to restore OS files older than a month or two.

    Secondly - carefully check what is backed up on each server/client.
    Only backup what is needed.

    Have a meeting with server owners and management to ensure backup policies match business needs.

    Other options are covered by Martin and the Admin Guide.

  • What version of Netbackup are you using?

    (There was one version that had an issue that caused the catalog size to expand unnecessarily)


  • Hmm, I think you are thinking of the issue where NBDB can get bigger, requiring a rebuild/ reorg to reduce its size.  Maybe however, you remember something I don't, do you have any more details.

  • Hi Martin,

    I will check with your first option compression of catalog and update you soon.



    Thank You !!

  • Thank you, I had indeed forgotten about that one, somewhere in my mind, now you have mentioned it it sounds familar ...

  • A word of warning: if the need arises to restore from compressed catalog data, then they will be uncompressed in situ. What gets uncompressed depends on selection criteria: if you are dealing with simple clients and their data, so long as you dont have vast amounts of data, then you should be OK: problems can surface if you are restoring data from a huge data resource eg a filer.

    Just something to bear in mind, thats all.


  • Compression is a bad idea. It will slow down the master sever. You could end up with more data than disk. You should consider having enough physcial space to support your environment. You can expand the voume holding the catalog. You can also move the catalog to a larger volume.