Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • Never knew there were seperate steps for exchange 2013 family ;-)


    Did you had chance to backup exchange 2010 by anyhow ... If so than you should be ok with new release as well. .except permissions required are minimalist now :-)

    Just have a look at release notes on revised permissions for exchange 2013 and 2010. 

    Also have a look at below GRT video , although it does applies at max extent to exchange 2013 :-)



  • @malkayal, captain Is right. If You know how to backup/restore exchange 2010 You shouldn't have any problems with exchange 2013 except some new netbackup features or enhancement for this type of client ;-)
  • AND please be mindful of this recent Tech Alert, also tracked as a Microsoft issue:

    In NetBackup, some Exchange 2013 CU1 or CU2 backups may appear to succeed, but restore attempts fail.