Forum Discussion

Colin_Burton's avatar
16 years ago

How to verify client connectivity from NetBackup 6.5.3 Master to clients.

I'm trying to write a unix script that I can run on my master that will check each client (by name is perfered) for ability to connect to NetBackup. I know I can use bpcoverage, but I'm looking for s...
  • Stumpr2's avatar
    16 years ago
    How to test client connections using the bptestbpcd command with Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0.

    Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0 supplies a new command to test connections to clients.  This command is the bptestbpcd command.  This command is helpful because, unlike ping or nslookup, it tests for connection to a NetBackup Client using client connection options at the NetBackup communication level.  Parameter switches allow a user to target a NetBackup Client or a host.  Connection using the different Client Connect Options can also be tested.  Troubleshooting is made easier by including the -verbose and -debug switches.

    1. From a Windows command prompt change into the <installpath>\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd directory, or in a UNIX console window, change into the /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd directory.
    2. Type bptestbpcd /? to list the command parameters.
    3. Run the command bptestbpcd -client xxxx (where xxxx is a clientname) to test connection to a client.
    4. To view further details, run the command bptestbpcd -client xxxx -verbose (where xxxx is a clientname).
    5. To trace through the connection process, run the command bptestbpcd -client xxxx -debug (where xxxx is a clientname).

    Click the Download Now link below to see a short tutorial of the process to test client connections using bptestbpcd.  This tutorial contains an audio track.  The tutorial was recorded in UNIX, but the NetBackup commands are the same for both Windows and UNIX.

    IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE OPENING THE DEMO: In the Internet Explorer window, click the red 'X' to stop loading, then press the F5 key to refresh the screen.  This should allow the demo to load.

    PLEASE NOTE:  The attached tutorial is an .SWF file that requires the Macromedia Flash Player.  If this application is not loaded on your computer, it can be downloaded from the following link: .

    Download Now  -  389 K
    File Name: bptestbpcd_demo_277901.swf
    File Type: Utility

    Click Below to Browse the FTP files by Product: