Forum Discussion

ParagDharurkar's avatar
5 years ago

Identify list of tape used for backup

Hi All,


I am looking for the list of media used in backup jobs. e.g.

I have executed SQL job where there are multiple streams and different job IDs  for each DB but need to identified all media list used for complete job. may be using parent  job ID.


I tried with bpimagelist , it is useful for singel job but its not useful if there are 20 jobs under single SQL parent job.


I dont have OPcenter installed in environment. we may install in future.


Please suggest.


Thank you in advance.





  • ParagDharurkar 

    If you are sending tapes offsite and you need to know which tapes to bring back for a restore, then you can certainly use bpimagelist with -media option, a date range and other switches such as policy name and/or policy type.

    bpimagelist -media -d mm/dd/yyy -e mm/dd/yyyy -client <client_name> -policy <policy_name> -pt <policy_type> -U


  • This type of question is quite typical of customers from smaller departmental environments, who have a lack of experience of enterprise environments.  NetBackup has an embedded "EMM" (Enterprise Media Manager), and it is exactly that - a superb "enterprise" grade and "enterprise" quality media management engine.

    Trying to report which jobs and/or which clients and/or which policies are on which media actually goes agianst the grain, and grates against the "enterprise" ethos of NetBackup.  Simply put, this is not how NetBackup manages media, nor is it how you as NetBackup admin should manage and report on media.

    Can I ask why exactly do you think that you need a list of tapes by backup job(s) or client(s) or policies(s) ?

    • we need list of media by backup jobs during restore as we have vaulting and we send media for offsite. 

  • Like previous ...Why?  Its a bit like asking the storage guy "Which disks in the array are storing my files"

    Then again if its a case of a single query because you want to eject special backups.  The simplest way is to run a restore preview but make sure you don't actually do a restore.  A preview will list tapes required for the restore (the ones that were used for the backup) once you have tape ID there are media reports you can generate in the console for more info.

    • sdo's avatar

      Jim, you are a star, you reminded me that one can do something like this :

      bpverify -pb -s dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss -e dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss -policy MY_POLICY

      ...which should spit out a list of the media - but this depends if the images have multiple copies, and thus which copies are the primary... so you may have to tweak the bpverify command a bit to select primary, or to select a specific copy number.

    • ParagDharurkar's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you Jim for your reply, but as i mention in my question - it is sql restore, if its filesystem restore we can do preview and get list of media.

      i am looking for the command or small script which we can give list of media used for single sql backup job or using parent job ID

  • ParagDharurkar 

    If you are sending tapes offsite and you need to know which tapes to bring back for a restore, then you can certainly use bpimagelist with -media option, a date range and other switches such as policy name and/or policy type.

    bpimagelist -media -d mm/dd/yyy -e mm/dd/yyyy -client <client_name> -policy <policy_name> -pt <policy_type> -U


    • ParagDharurkar's avatar
      Level 3

      Thank you for reply,

      it seems there is no other command or switches to get my requirement.else we need to install OPscenter for it.