Import MSDP images
Need help .....
NBU 7.5 (unpatched) RHEL Master/Media server with Media Server Dedupe in Lab environment.
Colleague backed up his laptop before wiping it for OS re-install.
A day or so later when he tried to access the backup, he got socket errors trying to connect.
Tried a couple of things to fix and failed. Could not get a catalog backup through either.
The MSDP disk pool is intact with all backup images visible.
We are trying to import/re-catalog these disk images.
We have followed steps in Dedupe Admin Guide under the topic ‘Replacing the deduplication storage server host computer’.
Step 12 says ‘Import the backup images’ with reference to Admin Guide I….
So, it seems this should be ‘as easy as’ a normal disk image import? Just selecting PureDisk as Disk Type?
Problem is, only disk images done AFTER the rebuild are showing up in results tab....
(Remember for phase 1 you cannot specify date range.)
All Google searches so far have been unhelpful.
How about running the phase 1 from the command line - do you see the old images then, that were taken before the rebuild ?