Forum Discussion

manatee's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

importing expired images

NBU 7.5.05

i have been looking for a backup date that belonged to a group of expired backup images. using Catalog/Import, I was able to find the first part but that was several weeks ago. i still have many tapes with expired images to go thru.

what i'm doing is i'm importing all those tapes in batches (like 5 at a time) and every morning i would go to Catalog/Verify and search for the dates in question. as long as the date don't show up, i keep importing the expired tapes.

question is, am i doing it correctly?

  • Hi


    It sounds like you only did the 1st phase of the import. Did you follow all the steps below?

  • If you are 100% sure that the media was ejected from the robot and has not been used since then you should continue importing the media (making sure they are write protected).


    What do you mean with "I was able to find the first part"?

  • "I was able to find the first part" means when i searched the output of the Catalog/Import from the Results tab, I saw the dates (and the media id) that I am looking for. however, in the Search tab, when i did a search for said media id and date, it doesn't show.

  • Hi


    It sounds like you only did the 1st phase of the import. Did you follow all the steps below?

  • hello,

    yes that's the documenet i'm following. i reached up to step 3 but couldn't continue because when i do a search, it says not found. then i thought maybe it's spanned hence i'm looking for the next tape in the set.

  • One more thing:

    When you search for phase 2 images to be imported, change start date to a date well before earliest backups on this tape.

  • I have just noticed the following:

    I was able to find the first part but that was several weeks ago. 

    The retention level for phase 1 import is 1 week.

    So, you need to do phase 2 import ASAP after phase 1 import.

    You will have to start all over....

  • good gwief. all over again? is there any way to adjust the retention level AFTER the image has been created?

  • You should be able to extend expiration with bpexpdate or else create NoExpire touchfile, but with touchfile in place, NO images will expire and disk where catalog resides may fill up and tapes will not become available.

    The key is to do phase 2 import ASAP after phase 1 import.
    After phase 2 import, the original retention level will be applied.

  • i'm toast.

    i only have 2 tape drives (used by production backups also) and importing all expired tapes takes time on top of not knowing which group of tapes belong together.

    anyway, thanks for the help.