Forum Discussion

Titus_Bandugula's avatar
11 years ago

Information on Exchange DAG with Netbackup 7.5.06

Hello All,

We had Netbackup policy configured for an Exchange DAG with 2 node on the production site. Yesterday our Exchange Team added another node from the DR (as an extended DAG) , now the backup fails(with Status 58) for the newly added server to the DAG.

Kindly note that this new server is in another site, I tried using the only "passive copy" or "active copy" but still the Exchange backup communicates to the DR-site server.

Could not find any help from the Admin guides.

I only want the two nodes at the production to be backed-up from the production.

Kindly help


Thanks in Advance..

  • All nodes have Exchange databases and serveices running


    looks like you specified the backup selection as   Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\ with the client name as DAG name.

    this explines it... when you specify the DAG name in the backup policy it with backup selection as   Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\

    are you dont want to take the backup of DB in DR node?

    if yes.. you need to specify the specifiy DB names in the backup selection which are in Production Nodes..


6 Replies

  • Does the New node of unique DB which is not avaliable in 2 other nodes yet..

    did you try with prefered servers list?

  • Yes, I've tried the preffered server list, it still tries to backup the DR node as well.


    All nodes have Exchange databases and serveices running

  • Was NBU agent installed in new node?

    All 'normal' rules apply as far as network connectivity is concerned:

    • Forward and reverse name lookup between master and new node as well between media server and new node.
    • Port connectivity: port 1556 (pbx) must be open in both directions between master and new node, as well as between media server and new node.
    • New node needs to have SERVER entries for master and media server that corresponds with reverse lookup of servers' IP addresses.

    Please create bpcd log folder on new node under ...\netbackup\logs.
    See if any log file is created after next connection/backup attempt. Please copy this log file to bpcd.txt and upload as File attachment.

  • Hello Marianne,

    I have 3 nodes in my DAG, 2 nodes in the production and one in DR.

    I onlt want to backup the 2 nodes which are in production.

    Can you help me on how to exclude the DR node from the backups.

    Since I use the Exchange DAG for backups the DR node is automatically being backed-up along with the 2 production nodes as they are in the same DAG.

  • All nodes have Exchange databases and serveices running


    looks like you specified the backup selection as   Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\ with the client name as DAG name.

    this explines it... when you specify the DAG name in the backup policy it with backup selection as   Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups:\

    are you dont want to take the backup of DB in DR node?

    if yes.. you need to specify the specifiy DB names in the backup selection which are in Production Nodes..


  • Yes Ur correct Nagalla.


    I know we can specify the DB names from the production node.

    I just wanted to check and do some R&D for DAG on Netbackup.