Forum Discussion

Bruce_Clegg's avatar
9 years ago

Installing netbackup client without binaries

We have a disaster recovery site a few states away that recently had 2 servers rebuilt (linux redhat 2.6).  I've been tasked with getting the backups going on them.

I've attempted to install the clients from the GUI, but the binaries aren't available.

I think it should be possible to copy the software over from another server and then modify the config files. -but I'm not having any luck getting the services running on the 'new' server.

Is what I'm attempting a good idea?  Have any of y'all done something like this before?  Can you give me any advice?



  • You can try this trick too.


    what we've done is copy directory contents to the client


    then run this on the client

    cd /usr/openv/netbackup/client/<ClientOS>

    ./cp_to_client  <MASTERNAME> <CLIENTNAME>

14 Replies

  • The GUI only uses rsh which is a problem in most environments. The Installation Guide lists 3 other options that can be used from cmd: - ssh - ftp - sftp Oh! And by installing directly on the client. Work with site admins to find a method that will work in this environment. ***Edit *** You will notice that OS utilities are needed for initial client push. The NBU ports are used for backups, restores and subsequent patch installs and upgrades. These OS utilities (rsh, ssh, ftp, sftp) may require configuration before it will work. Test the utilities at OS level before trying push install.
  • You can try this trick too.


    what we've done is copy directory contents to the client


    then run this on the client

    cd /usr/openv/netbackup/client/<ClientOS>

    ./cp_to_client  <MASTERNAME> <CLIENTNAME>

  • I have had situations where we had a client with an old OS (I think HPUX 11.11) that at the time had its binaries available on the master server (perhaps NB 7.1).

    Then as time marched on and we upgraded the level of NB on the master server a few times the client binaries for old OS'es were eventually dropped from NB.  So when a new client popped up with an old OS (from an acquisition) we'd have to grab the binaries from another client and bring them over.  Maybe this is your situation?

  • Will - I may give that a try.


    But the issue I opened the ticket for is moot.  After much searching I found where my predesessor stored the binaries.  I'm still having issues, but I thougt it would be 'cleaner' to track them here: