Forum Discussion

Bruce_Clegg's avatar
9 years ago

Installing netbackup client without binaries

We have a disaster recovery site a few states away that recently had 2 servers rebuilt (linux redhat 2.6).  I've been tasked with getting the backups going on them.

I've attempted to install the clients from the GUI, but the binaries aren't available.

I think it should be possible to copy the software over from another server and then modify the config files. -but I'm not having any luck getting the services running on the 'new' server.

Is what I'm attempting a good idea?  Have any of y'all done something like this before?  Can you give me any advice?



  • You can try this trick too.


    what we've done is copy directory contents to the client


    then run this on the client

    cd /usr/openv/netbackup/client/<ClientOS>

    ./cp_to_client  <MASTERNAME> <CLIENTNAME>

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