Forum Discussion

belse's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Java Console Vs Remote Administrator Console

Hi All,

Could somebody explain me the deference between Java Console Vs Remote Administrator Console? Advantages and Disadvantages?

Thanks So much.

  • Java Console has a very small footprint on your desktop and does not need any SERVER entry on the master server. You login with a user name of administrator on the master server.

    Admin Console installs NBU server software on your desktop and needs a SERVER entry on the master server. This software has the advantage that you can run commands/scripts on your desktop that is not possible with Java software.

    I have both installed on my laptop. 
    I prefer to use Java Console to manage Unix/Linux master server, but being able to run NBU commands on my desktop is extremely handy.
    Java Console also enables me to manage various customer environments without needing SERVER entries for my laptop.

15 Replies

  • I just installed both.  Really wish I would have read about this a while ago.  Java console there isn't a lot you can do but it seems to load faster.


    The other take a bit longer to load for me but I can do almost if not everything from it.

  • I have both installed and REALLY prefers Java (managing Linux media server). I have not come across anything I cannot do with it.
    The only reason I have Admin Console installed is to run commands from my laptop.

    What is it that you cannot do (other than cmd) with Java?

    (Maybe we should start a new discussion for this...)

  • Yes Amir

    Im listening and agreeing! Theres a happy medium I think and we arent hitting that sweet spot.


  • Well I didn't think I could make policies some reason it wasn't giving me the option now it is so I must be losing it ;)


    Looks like I can do everything I need not sure how you can run commands though that would be cool to learn.


    I agree a newdicussion on this or even some more indepth on what can, and can't be done would be great.  Really liking this though saves some time, and helps me manage this when I am off site.