Forum Discussion

8 Replies

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    know how to solve the problem of slow to trigger the inventory command the robot through the Java console? version 7.10.4

  • You need to determine where the 'slow response' is - the robot control host or the Java GUI.

    Test inventory from command line:

    Check contents and compare:
    vmcheckxxx -rt tld -rn <robot-number> -rh <robot-control-host>

    Check and update:
    vmupdate -rt tld -rn <robot-number> -rh <robot-control-host>

    Commands are in ...volmgr/bin

    What is the result?
    Same or faster than Inventory through the GUI?

    PLEASE always mention OS on the master server.
    You have selected Windows 7 as OS - is this where Java Console is installed?

    Where are you using the Java Console?
    On the master server or robot control host?
    On your desktop?

    If using Java Console on your desktop, how are you logging onto the master server?
    Using IP address or master server hostname?
    If IP, add hosts entry on your desktop for the master server and then logon using hostname.
    I have seen issues when logged onto master server as IP address.


  • I've used the command <robot-control-host> vmupdate-rt tld-rn <robot-number>-rh 
    But the response was positive, the command was executed normally, it just hangs in JAVA GUI, my OS is Windows 7 and the master server is Solaris 10. 
    Thank you.

  • Also testing with robtest. Are the responses quick?

    The robot should either hand a cached inventory from its memory to NetBackup, or its actually going out and checking its tapes, which could take time.

    If its a java console communication issue, it possibly with DNS. You would see overall slowness besides inventory. How is the console with other things, like loading policies or viewing the catalog?

    Do you have a windows NetBackup GUI you could install or have installed? do you see the same slowness?

  • I was hoping for answers to the rest of my post as well....

    You have selected Windows 7 as OS - is this where Java Console is installed?

    Where are you using the Java Console?
    On the master server or robot control host?
    On your desktop?

    If using Java Console on your desktop, how are you logging onto the master server?
    Using IP address or master server hostname?

    If IP, add hosts entry on your desktop for the master server and then logon using hostname.
    I have seen issues when logged onto master server as IP address.

    Ensure that your hosts entry on your Windows desktop/laptop matches the NBU master server hostname exactly.

    Does the master server have more than one interface?
    If so, can you confirm that you are connecting to the master server hostname/interface that is use by NBU on the master?

    Have a look at this old discussion:


    Something else to check:

    Ensure that FORCE_IPADDR_LOOKUP  is disabled on the master and desktop. See 

  • Yes, I've done tests with robest and everything was ok, but the problem is that users operating Netbackup is allowed only to view, so the use of the Java Gui Netbackup is required. We have a machine with the same configuration running normally on the network, so we believe to be some configuration of the equipment. 
    Thank you!

  • Have followed and changed the parameters of memory from my desktop and MasterServer, but still when I start the inventory process equipment is nearly half an hour to open the inventory screen.

  • I made an update version of Java on my desktop and operation was normalized. 
    Thank you all!